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Название: Materials Physics and Mechanics.
Организация: Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого; Российская академия наук
Выходные сведения: Санкт-Петербург: [Изд-во Политехн. ун-та], 2018
Коллекция: Общая коллекция
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Русский; Английский
DOI: 10.18720/SPBPU/2/j18-308
Права доступа: Свободный доступ из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: RU\SPSTU\edoc\53306

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  • MPM_38(1) spissue_title.pdf
    • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
    • Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Russian Fund for Basic Research
    • Committee for science and higher education
    • of the Saint Petersburg City Government
  • 02_T.S. Koltsova, A.D. Breki, T.V. Larionova, O.V. Tolochko.pdf
    • T.S. Koltsova, A.D. Breki, T.V. Larionova, O.V. Tolochko*
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Experimental details
    • 3. Results and discussion
    • 4. Conclusion
    • Reference
  • 03_A.I. Rudskoi , G. Kodzhaspirov, J. Kliber, Ch. Apostolopoulos.pdf
    • Fig. 2. The scheme of Thermomechanical Processing: 1 – hot rolling; 2 – Controlled Rolling; 3 – TMP with pearlitic transformation; 4 TMP with bainitic transformation; 5 – HTMP; 6 – Ausforming; 7 – Strain age-hardening of martensite.
    • Thermomechanical processing of steel plates. Most of the structural steel grades are flat products rolled on plate mills or hot strip mills. The application of microalloying elements since the 1960’s mainly in combination with special rolling regimes ...
    • Fig. 3. Schematic illustration depicting ausrolling time-temperature regime quench from austenitizing temperature.
    • Ausforming steels can eliminate stage tempering which would have occurred during the tempering of conventionally quenched martensite. Thus, autotempering appears to be promote by ausforming. For surface ausforming, optimum tempering treatments are mos...
    • Fig. 4. Cooling and rolling curves of steel (0,38CCrSi) rings under the non-isothermal regimes with deformation in the range 900 - 700 C (I) and 800-600 C [12].
      • 5. Conclusions
      • Thermomechanical Processing using a variety of plastic forming methods based on the understanding of physical fundamentals is a progressive resource-saving technique to produce metal billets and parts with the high level of structural strength and fun...
      • Acknowledgments. The research was carried out within the state assignment 11.12832.2018/8.9.
      • References
      • [1] A.J. DeArdo // Materials Science Forum 426-432 (2003) 49.
  • 07 V.V. Murav’ev, O.V. Murav’eva, K.V. Petrov.pdf
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Applied approaches and methods
    • 3. Discussion of investigation results
    • 4. Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements. The reported study was funded by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation according to the project no. 3.5705.2017/6.7 of the state order for Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University for a period of 2017—2019...
    • References
  • 13 V.P. Filippova, E.N. Blinova et. al.pdf
    • Fe-0.13P-0.007S-0.025N-0.03C
    • Fe-0.6Al-0.07P-0.005S-0.02N-0.03C
    • Fe-1.2Al-0.05P-0.005S-0.01N-0.04C
    • Fe-5.6Al-0.06P-0.007S-0.01N-0.04C
    • Fe-0.03S-0.14P-0.06N-0.02C-0.005Ti-0.006Cu
    • Fe-0.02S-0.14P-0.3N-0.04C
    • Fe-0.1Sn-0.1P-0.004S-0.006N-0.1C
    • Fe-0.6Cr-0.13P-0.004S-0.001N-0.01C
    • Fe-1Cr-0.13P-0.004S-0.002N-0.01C
    • Fe-1Mo-0.16P-0.004S-0.014N-0.02C
    • Fe-3Mo-0.26P-0.004S-0.06N-0.03C
    • Fe-3Mo-0.15P-0.004S-0.1N-0.01C
    • Fe-0.02B-0.07P-0.005S-0.03N-0.02C
    • Fe-0.03B-0.02P-0.007S-0.04N-0.02C-2.7Ni
    • Fe-0.002B-0.13P-0.005S-0.003N-0.03C
    • Fe-1Ni-0.14P-0.005S-0.06N-0.01C
    • Fe-3Ni-0.03P-0.005S-0.003N-0.014C
    • Fe-3Ni-0.17P-0.007S-0.05N-0.014C
    • Ref.
    • Q,
    • Do,
    • Solved Element
    • 10-4 m2/s
    • kcal/mol
    • kJ/mol (*)
    • [17]
    • C
    • 18.3 ( 0.8
    • 76.7 ( 3.4
    • [18]
    • 0.00144
    • 17.7( 0.1
    • N
    • 74.3 ( 0.4
    • [19]
    • 0.0023
    • B
    • 19 ( 2
    • 79.6 ( 8.4
    • [20]
    • 376
    • P
    • 275.0 ( 2.1
    • 65.6 ( 0.5
    • [21]
    • 0.44
    • Mo
    • 238.8 ( 2.1
    • 57.0 ( 0.5
    • [22]
    • 2.53
    • Cr
    • 240.9 ( 2.1
    • 57.5 ( 0.5
    • [21, 23]
    • 0.6
    • 262.3 ( 2.5
    • 62.6 ( 0.6
    • Ni
    • [24]
    • 1700
    • S
    • 256.4 ( 2.1
    • 61.2 ( 0.5
    • [25]
    • 8
    • Sn
    • 256.3 ( 2.1
    • 61.2 ( 0.5
    • [23]
    • 5.9
    • Al
    • 241.8 ( 4.2
    • 57.7 ( 1.0
    • [26]
    • 6
    • Cu
    • 247.2 ( 4.2
    • 59 ( 1
    • [27]
    • 20
    • 243.0 ( 4.2
    • 58 ( 1
    • Ti
    • * The literature data related to common conditions (1 kJ/mol = 4.19 kcal/mol).
    • Table 5. The values of the surface segregation temperature corresponding to C-curves “nose” positions (Tseg, K) with the accuracy of ±25K in the time-temperature concentration diagrams (Fig.3-10) for the investigated α-Fe based alloys during isotherm...
  • MPM_38(1) spissue_title.pdf
    • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
    • Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Russian Fund for Basic Research
    • Committee for science and higher education
    • of the Saint Petersburg City Government
  • 07 V.V. Murav’ev, O.V. Murav’eva, K.V. Petrov.pdf
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Applied approaches and methods
    • 3. Discussion of investigation results
    • 4. Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements. The reported study was funded by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation according to the project no. 3.5705.2017/6.7 of the state order for Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University for a period of 2017—2019...
    • References
  • MPM_38(1) spissue_title.pdf
    • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
    • Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Russian Fund for Basic Research
    • Committee for science and higher education
    • of the Saint Petersburg City Government

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