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Название: Инженерно-строительный журнал: специализированный научный журнал. — № 6 (90)
Выходные сведения: Санкт-Петербург: СПбПУ, 2019
Коллекция: Общая коллекция
Тематика: Строительство; Сопротивление материалов; Строительная механика; Строительные материалы
УДК: 624.04(051); 69(051); 539.3/.6(051)
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Русский; Английский
Права доступа: Свободный доступ из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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  • title90
  • реклама1
  • index
    • Содержание
    • E-mail: mce@spbstu.ru
    • Web: http://www.engstroy.spbstu.ru
    • Contents
  • 01
    • Structure, composition and properties of geopolymers from mineral wool waste
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
        • 2.1. Materials
        • 2.2. Compositions and sample manufacturing technology
        • 2.3. Analytical techniques
      • 3. Results and Discussion
        • 3.1. X ray diffraction
        • 3.2. Thermoanalysis
        • 3.3. SEM
        • 3.4. Average density and compressive strength
      • 4. Conclusion
      • 5. Acknowledgments
    • Структура, состав и свойства геополимеров из отходов минеральной ваты
  • 02
    • Method of proportioning the cement-water ratio of steam-cured concrete
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Materials and Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 4. Conclusions
    • Метод расчета цементно-водного отношения пропариваемого бетона
  • 03
    • Microstructure and strength of iron-filing Portland cement paste and mortar
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Materials and Methods
        • 2.1. Materials
          • 2.1.2. Iron-filing powder
          • 2.1.3. Fine aggregate
        • 2.2. Research methodology
          • 2.2.1. Microstructural and Fourier infrared analysis
          • 2.2.2. Mix proportion
          • 2.2.3. Mixing of the specimen
          • 2.2.4. Workability
          • 2.2.5. Compressive strength
      • 3. Results and Discussions
        • 3.1. The physical characteristics of iron filing
        • 3.2. Workability of the samples
        • 3.3. Impacts of iron-filing on the compressive strength of paste and mortar
        • 3.4. Effect of iron-filing on the carbonation of the product
      • 4. Conclusions
      • 5. Acknowledgement
  • 04
    • Light heat-resistant polymer concretes based on oligooxyhydridesilmethylensiloxysilane and hollow spherical fillers
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Materials and Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 4. Conclusions
    • Легкие жаростойкие полимербетоны на основе олигооксигидридсилметиленсилоксисилана и полых сферических наполнителей
  • 05
    • Risk of surface blast load on pile foundations
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussions
      • 4. Conclusions
      • 5. Acknowledgement
  • 06
    • Behavior of two-way slabs subjected to drop-weight
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
        • 2.1. Description of the experimental program
        • 2.2. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
      • 3. Results and Discussion
        • 3.1. Validation of NLFEA results
        • 3.2. Mode of failure
        • 3.3. Ultimate load capacity
        • 3.4. Load deflection behavior
        • 3.5. Deflection profile
        • 3.6. Punching shear model for two-way RC slabs subjected to impact load
      • 4. Conclusions
      • 5. Acknowledgments
  • 07
    • Resistance of cement stone in sanitation solutions
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 4. Conclusion
      • 5. Acknowledgement
    • Стойкость цементного камня в растворах санационных средств
  • 08
    • Retrofitting of fire stations in cold climate regions
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
        • 3.1. Typology of fire stations
        • 3.2. Measurements of indoor air quality in a non–renovated fire station
        • 3.3. Analysis of thermal energy consumption and technical conditions
        • 3.4. Energy consumption estimation in different Latvian cities
      • 4. Conclusions
      • 5. Acknowledgements
  • 09
    • Maturity sensors placement based on the temperature transitional boundaries
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
      • 3. Results and Discussion
      • 4. Conclusion
    • Размещение датчиков зрелости в зависимости от границ температурного перехода
  • 10
    • Ductility and moment redistribution capacity of two-span RC beams
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Methods
        • 2.1. Materials properties of experimental program
        • 2.2. Test setup and instrumentation
      • 3. Results and Discussion
        • 3.1. Failure mode and general behavior
        • 3.2. Load-deflection response and failure mode
        • 3.3. Ductility
        • 3.4. Load-strain response
        • 3.4. Moments – curvature in critical section
        • 3.5. Moment redistribution
      • 4. Conclusion
  • 11
    • Kerman collapsible clay amendment by lime, bentonite, and nano silica
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Materials
      • 3. Experimental Methods
      • 4. Result and Discussion
        • 4.1. Effects of lime on soil collapsibility
        • 4.2. Effects of bentonite on soil collapsibility
        • 4.3. Effects of Nano-silica on soil collapsibility
      • 5. Conclusions
  • реклама2
  • оборот


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