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Название Enhancing lightweight concrete strength through modified zeolite-alkaline porous aggregate: composition optimization and structural application // Magazine of Civil Engineering. – 2024. – № 1 (125). — С. 12507
Авторы Matveeva O. I.; Baishev N.; Makarov A.; Popov A.; Pavlyukova A. I.; Grigoriev N. A.
Выходные сведения 2024
Коллекция Общая коллекция
Тематика Строительство; Строительные материалы и изделия; lightweight concrete; increase in concrete strength; porous concrete aggregates; zeolite-alkaline aggregates; optimization of concrete composition; modified concrete aggregates; легкие бетоны; повышение прочности бетонов; пористые заполнители бетонов; цеолитно-щелочные заполнители; оптимизация состава бетонов; модифицированные заполнители бетонов
УДК 691
ББК 38.3
Тип документа Статья, доклад
Тип файла PDF
Язык Английский
DOI 10.34910/MCE.125.7
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Ключ записи RU\SPSTU\edoc\73454
Дата создания записи 22.08.2024

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The work is aimed at research of technology of lightweight concrete with porous aggregate with improved strength characteristics to expand the field of its application in reinforced concrete structures. The lack of demand for lightweight concrete in structural construction is due to its low reliability in view of the increased ultimate deformation of compression and tension. However, as recent studies show, when taking into account the ultimate compressive strain of lightweight concrete, it is quite possible to ensure the reliability of such structures. In order to expand the scope of application of light concretes in bearing layers of multilayered enclosing and bearing reinforced concrete structures, our purpose was to determine the features of the lightweight concrete composition selection technique with improved characteristics using a porous aggregate of modified zeolite-alkaline charge. Empirical equations of dependence of lightweight concrete strength on concrete density and aggregate density as well as dependence of lightweight concrete strength on coarse aggregate volume concentration and aggregate strength were established to determine rational compositions of lightweight concrete. The possibility of producing structural lightweight concrete of strength classes B15 to B27.5, with the frost-resistance mark F[1] 150 with the use of porous aggregate modified zeolite-alkaline batch is shown.

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