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Название: Multidimensional Gas Dynamics Simulation of the Attenuation of Shock Wave by the Granular Beds // Proceedings of the Ninth International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards: 21-26 April 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Vol. 1
Авторы: Sidorenko D.; Utkin P.; Maksimov F.
Организация: Institute for Computer Aided Design RAS
Выходные сведения: Saint Petersburg, 2019
Коллекция: Общая коллекция
Тип документа: Статья, доклад
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
DOI: 10.18720/SPBPU/2/k19-41
Права доступа: Свободный доступ из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: RU\SPSTU\edoc\61123

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We consider the problem of interaction of the shock wave with a system of non-moving cylinders that model the granular media bed of the particles in the initial stage of the interaction. The problem is solved using both Euler and Navier-Stokes systems of equations. The numerical algorithm for the solution of Euler equations is based on the Cartesian grid method, for Navier-Stokes equations – on the multiblock computational technology. Numerical experiments are conducted using both numerical approaches.

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