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Название: Ignition from High Heat Flux for Flat versus Complex Geometry // Proceedings of the Ninth International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards: 21-26 April 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Vol. 2
Авторы: Brown A. L.; Engerer J. D.; Ricks A. J.; Christian J. M.
Организация: Sandia National Labs
Выходные сведения: Saint Petersburg, 2019
Коллекция: Общая коллекция
Тип документа: Статья, доклад
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
DOI: 10.18720/SPBPU/2/k19-92
Права доступа: Свободный доступ из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: RU\SPSTU\edoc\61278

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Ignition of solid materials from radiative heat flux has been well studied, as it relates to common fire instantiation and propagation. Conventional testing involves a small (~10 cm) flat sample in a test apparatus such as a cone calorimeter exposed to fluxes in the range of 25-100 kW/m2. Higher heat flux ignition has been less-well studied, and the majority of scientific data come from similarly scaled experiments mostly on flat surfaces. High heat flux ignition is less well studied because it has a more limited application space given that fewer fire scenarios involve high (> 200 kW/m2) fluxes. We have been performing experimental investigations of the behavior of a variety of materials exposed to concentrated solar power with peak flux in excess of 2 MW/m2. Dozens of materials at a variety of flux conditions with varying scales and configurations have been tested thus far. While we have found good correlation in our new data to historical data and model constructs, some of our data are not well predicted by existing models and correlations. Present results suggest ignition on flat materials is not necessarily a good predictor of other materials and configurations, and that future testing would benefit from an increased emphasis on the geometry of exposed materials.

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