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Название: Handbooks of communication science ;. Communication and media ethics. — v. 26.
Другие авторы: Plaisance Patrick Lee
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Mass media — Moral and ethical aspects.; Communication — Moral and ethical aspects.; Journalistic ethics.; PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / General; PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / Modern; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES — Communication Studies.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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"Ethics in communication and media has arguably reached a pivotal stage of maturity in the last decade, moving from disparate lines of inquiry to a theory-driven, interdisciplinary field presenting normative frameworks and philosophical explications for communicative practices. The intent of this volume is to present this maturation, to reflect the vibrant state of ethics theorizing and to illuminate promising pathways for future research"--.

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  • Preface to Handbooks of Communication Science series
  • Acknowledgements
  • Contents
  • 1. Defining the Field
  • 2. A History of Media Ethics: From Application to Theory and Back Again
  • 3. Communication Ethics: Origins and Trajectories
  • 4. Cultural Pluralism and Media Ethics: Theorizing in a Globalized World of Difference
  • 5. Contractualism for Media Ethics
  • 6. Moral Psychology
  • 7. Theorizing the Ambitions, Opportunities, and Limitations of Democratic Dialogue
  • 8. Deontology
  • 9. Consequentialism
  • 10. Virtue Ethics & Media
  • 11. Care Ethics: A Different Voice for Communication and Media Ethics
  • 12. Harm in Journalism
  • 13. Harm in Media Marketing: the Branding of Values
  • 14. Harm and Entertainment
  • 15. Harm in Public Relations
  • 16. Justice and Media Ethics
  • 17. Principled Advocacy
  • 18. Morality in Entertainment
  • 19. Popular Culture and Media
  • 20. Communication Ethics and Globalization
  • 21. Communication Ethics Research: Evolution and Thoughtful Response
  • 22. No Greater Than Who I Actually Am: Virtue Ethics in Digital Life Narratives
  • 23. Web Architecture and Values in the Stack: Exploring the Relationship between Internet Infrastructure and Human Values
  • 24. Communication Technology and Perception
  • 25. Research Directions
  • 26. Theorizing over the Horizon: Ontology in the Global Imaginary
  • 27. Toward an Interpretive Framework: Neuroethical Considerations for Media Ethics
  • 28. Searching for Universals without Making Problematic Imperialistic Assumptions
  • Biographical notes on the contributors
  • Index

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