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Название: Machine learning fundamentals: Use Python and scikit-learn to get up and running with the hottest developments in machine learning
Авторы: Saleh Hyatt
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Python (Computer program language); Machine learning.; Artificial intelligence.; COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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As machine learning algorithms become popular, new tools that optimize these algorithms are also developed. Machine Learning Fundamentals explains the scikit-learn API, which is a package created to facilitate the process of building machine learning applications. By explaining the differences between supervised and unsupervised models and by ...

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  • Preface
  • Introduction to Scikit-Learn
    • Introduction
    • Scikit-Learn
      • Advantages of Scikit-Learn
      • Disadvantages of Scikit-Learn
    • Data Representation
      • Tables of Data
      • Features and Target Matrices
      • Exercise 1: Loading a Sample Dataset and Creating the Features and Target Matrices
      • Activity 1: Selecting a Target Feature and Creating a Target Matrix
    • Data Preprocessing
      • Messy Data
      • Exercise 2: Dealing with Messy Data
      • Dealing with Categorical Features
      • Exercise 3: Applying Feature Engineering over Text Data
      • Rescaling Data
      • Exercise 4: Normalizing and Standardizing Data
      • Activity 2: Preprocessing an Entire Dataset
    • Scikit-Learn API
      • How Does It Work?
    • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
      • Supervised Learning
      • Unsupervised Learning
    • Summary
  • Unsupervised Learning: Real-Life Applications
    • Introduction
    • Clustering
      • Clustering Types
      • Applications of Clustering
    • Exploring a Dataset: Wholesale Customers Dataset
      • Understanding the Dataset
    • Data Visualization
      • Loading the Dataset Using Pandas
      • Visualization Tools
      • Exercise 5: Plotting a Histogram of One Feature from the Noisy Circles Dataset
      • Activity 3: Using Data Visualization to Aid the Preprocessing Process
    • k-means Algorithm
      • Understanding the Algorithm
      • Exercise 6: Importing and Training the k-means Algorithm over a Dataset
      • Activity 4: Applying the k-means Algorithm to a Dataset
    • Mean-Shift Algorithm
      • Understanding the Algorithm
      • Exercise 7: Importing and Training the Mean-Shift Algorithm over a Dataset
      • Activity 5: Applying the Mean-Shift Algorithm to a Dataset
    • DBSCAN Algorithm
      • Understanding the Algorithm
      • Exercise 8: Importing and Training the DBSCAN Algorithm over a Dataset
      • Activity 6: Applying the DBSCAN Algorithm to the Dataset
    • Evaluating the Performance of Clusters
      • Available Metrics in Scikit-Learn
      • Exercise 9: Evaluating the Silhouette Coefficient Score and Calinski–Harabasz Index
      • Activity 7: Measuring and Comparing the Performance of the Algorithms
    • Summary
  • Supervised Learning: Key Steps
    • Introduction
    • Model Validation and Testing
      • Data Partition
      • Split Ratio
      • Exercise 10: Performing Data Partition over a Sample Dataset
      • Cross Validation
      • Exercise 11: Using Cross-Validation to Partition the Train Set into a Training and a Validation Set
      • Activity 8: Data Partition over a Handwritten Digit Dataset
    • Evaluation Metrics
      • Evaluation Metrics for Classification Tasks
      • Exercise 12: Calculating Different Evaluation Metrics over a Classification Task
      • Choosing an Evaluation Metric
      • Evaluation Metrics for Regression Tasks
      • Exercise 13: Calculating Evaluation Metrics over a Regression Task
      • Activity 9: Evaluating the Performance of the Model Trained over a Handwritten Dataset
    • Error Analysis
      • Bias, Variance, and Data Mismatch
      • Exercise 14: Calculating the Error Rate over Different Sets of Data
      • Activity 10: Performing Error Analysis over a Model Trained to Recognize Handwritten Digits
    • Summary
  • Supervised Learning Algorithms: Predict Annual Income
    • Introduction
    • Exploring the Dataset
      • Understanding the Dataset
    • Naïve Bayes Algorithm
      • How Does It Work?
      • Exercise 15: Applying the Naïve Bayes Algorithm
      • Activity 11: Training a Naïve Bayes Model for Our Census Income Dataset
    • Decision Tree Algorithm
      • How Does It Work?
      • Exercise 16: Applying the Decision Tree Algorithm
      • Activity 12: Training a Decision Tree Model for Our Census Income Dataset
    • Support Vector Machine Algorithm
      • How Does It Work?
      • Exercise 17: Applying the SVM Algorithm
      • Activity 13: Training an SVM Model for Our Census Income Dataset
    • Error Analysis
      • Accuracy, Precision, and Recall
    • Summary
  • Artificial Neural Networks: Predict Annual Income
    • Introduction
    • Artificial Neural Networks
      • How Do They Work?
      • Understanding the Hyperparameters
      • Applications
      • Limitations
    • Applying an Artificial Neural Network
      • Scikit-Learn's Multilayer Perceptron
      • Exercise 18: Applying the Multilayer Perceptron Classifier Class
      • Activity 14: Training a Multilayer Perceptron for Our Census Income Dataset
    • Performance Analysis
      • Error Analysis
      • Hyperparameter Fine-Tuning
      • Model Comparison
      • Activity 15: Comparing Different Models to Choose the Best Fit for the Census Income Data Problem
    • Summary
  • Building Your Own Program
    • Introduction
    • Program Definition
      • Building a Program: Key Stages
      • Understanding the Dataset
      • Activity 16: Performing the Preparation and Creation Stages for the Bank Marketing Dataset
    • Saving and Loading a Trained Model
      • Saving a Model
      • Exercise 19: Saving a Trained Model
      • Loading a Model
      • Exercise 20: Loading a Saved Model
      • Activity 17: Saving and Loading the Final Model for the Bank Marketing Dataset
    • Interacting with a Trained Model
      • Exercise 21: Creating a Class and a Channel to Interact with a Trained Model
      • Activity 18: Allowing Interaction with the Bank Marketing Dataset Model
    • Summary
  • Appendix
  • Index

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