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Название: Pediatric audiology: diagnosis, technology, and management. — 3rd edition.
Другие авторы: Madell Jane Reger; Flexer Carol Ann; Wolfe Jace; Schafer Erin C
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Audiology.; Audiometry.; Infants.; Children.; Hearing Disorders — diagnosis; Correction of Hearing Impairment; Hearing Tests; Education of Hearing Disabled; Infant; Child; Audiology; Audiologie.; Audiométrie.; Nourrissons.; Enfants.; children (people by age group); EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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  • Pediatric Audiology: Diagnosis, Technology, and Management
  • MedOne Information
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Video Contents
  • Foreword by James Jerger for the Third Edition
  • Foreword by Marion Downs for the First and Second Edition
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contributors
  • Part I: Hearing Loss: Essential Information
    • 1 Why Hearing Is Important in Children
    • 2 Hearing Disorders in Children
    • 3 Genetics of Hearing Loss
    • 4 Medical Management of Hearing Loss in Children
  • Part II: Diagnosing Hearing Disorders in Infants and Children
    • 5 Newborn Hearing Screening
    • 6 Hearing Test Protocols for Children
    • 7 Behavioral Evaluation of Hearing in Infants and Children
    • 8 Evaluation of Hearing in Children with Special Needs
    • 9 Evaluation of Speech Perception in Infants and Children
    • 10 Middle Ear Measurement in Infants and Children
    • 11 Otoacoustic Emissions: Applications for Pediatric Audiology
    • 12 The Role of the Audiology Assistant in Assessing Hearing in Children
    • 13 Auditory Evoked Response Testing in Children
    • 14 Clinical Measurement and Application of Cortical Auditory Evoked Responses
    • 15 Auditory Neurophysiology of Reading Impairment: Theory and Management
    • 16 Assessment, Treatment, and Management of Auditory Processing Disorders in Children
    • 17 Evaluation and Management of Vestibular Function in Infants and Children with Hearing Loss
    • 18 Interpreting Audiologic Test Results and Using the Test Information to Plan Management
  • Part III: Hearing Access Technologies for Infants and Children
    • 19 The Acoustic Speech Signal
    • 20 Hearing Aids for Infants, Children, and Adolescents
    • 21 Osseointegrated Implants for Children
    • 22 Considerations for Pediatric Cochlear Implantation
    • 23 Acoustic Accessibility in the Classroom and Beyond
    • 24 Remote Microphone Technologies
    • 25 Red Flags: Identifying and Managing Barriers to the Child’s Optimal Auditory Development
  • Part IV: Educational and Clinical Management of Hearing Loss in Children
    • 26 Collaborative Team Management of Children with Hearing Loss
    • 27 Communication Approaches for Managing Hearing Loss in Infants and Children
    • 28 The Importance of Early Intervention for Infants and Children with Hearing Loss
    • 29 Speech/Language/Auditory Management of Infants and Children with Hearing Loss
    • 30 Educational Placement Options for School-Aged Children with Hearing Loss
    • 31 Education and Access Laws for Children with Hearing Loss
    • 32 Screening, Assessment, and Management of Auditory Disorders in School-Aged Children
    • 33 Managing Infants and Children with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
    • 34 Working with Multicultural Families of Young Children with Hearing Loss
    • 35 Counseling and Collaboration with Parents of Children with Hearing Loss
    • 36 Empowering Teens with Hearing Loss
    • 37 Advice for Audiologists from Parents
  • Index
  • Additional MedOne Information

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