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Название: Hands-on robotics programming with C+: leverage raspberry pi 3 and c++ libraries to build intelligent robotics applications
Авторы: Tavasalkar Dinesh.
Выходные сведения: Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd, 2019
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Robots — Programming.; C++ (Computer program language); Raspberry Pi (Computer); TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Engineering (General); EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1096516338

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C/C++ is one the legacy programming language for Robotics Programming. This book will help you understand and build complexly structured robots and implement various C/C++ programming libraries in it.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Getting Started with wiringPi on a Raspberry Pi
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to the Raspberry Pi
    • Technical requirements
      • Software required
      • Hardware requirements
        • For Raspberry Pi 3B+ and Raspberry Pi Zero W
        • Additional hardware for Raspberry Pi 3B+
        • Additional hardware requirements for Raspberry Pi Zero W
    • Understanding the Raspberry Pi
      • The Raspberry Pi 3B+
      • The Raspberry Pi Zero W
    • Setting up a Raspberry Pi 3B+ as a desktop computer
      • Installing Raspbian OS on an SD card
        • Downloading and installing Etcher 
        • Downloading the Raspbian Stretch image 
        • Writing the Raspbian Stretch image to a microSD card
      • Setting up the Raspberry Pi 3B+
        • Connecting the Raspberry Pi 3B+ to the internet
    • Connecting the Raspberry Pi 3B+ to a laptop via Wi-Fi
      • Creating an SSH file on a microSD card
      • Connecting the Raspberry Pi 3B+ to a Wi-Fi network using PuTTY
      • Enabling the VNC server
      • Viewing the Raspberry Pi output on the VNC Viewer
        • Increase the VNC's screen resolution
        • Handling VNC and PuTTY errors
    • Setting up the Raspberry Pi Zero W as a desktop computer
      • Setting up the Raspberry Pi Zero W
    • Connecting the Raspberry Pi Zero W to a laptop via Wi-Fi
      • Connecting the Raspberry Pi Zero W to a Wi-Fi network using PuTTY
      • Enabling VNC Viewer for Raspberry Pi Zero W
      • Viewing Raspberry Pi Zero W output on VNC Viewer
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 2: Implementing Blink with wiringPi
    • Technical requirements
    • Installing the wiringPi library in the Raspberry Pi
      • Accessing Raspberry Pi GPIO pins via wiringPi
    • Making an LED blink
      • Wiring connections
      • The blinking program
        • Uploading the code to the Raspberry Pi
    • Smart light – working with digital sensor
      • The LDR sensor and the way it works
      • Wiring connection
      •  Smart light program
    • Pulse Width Modulation using softPWM
      • How PWM works
      • The softPWM library
        • Making an LED blink with the softPWM library
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Section 2: Raspberry Pi Robotics
  • Chapter 3: Programming the Robot
    • Technical requirements
    • Choosing a robot chassis
    • Constructing and connecting the robot
      • Constructing the robot
      • Connecting the motor driver to the Raspberry Pi 
        • What is a motor driver?
        • Wiring connections
    • Working with H-bridge
    • Moving the robot
      • Moving the robot backward
      • Stopping the robot
      • Different types of turns
        • Axial turns
          • Axial left turn
          • Axial right turn
        • Radial turn
          • Radial left turn
          • Radial right turn
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 4: Building an Obstacle-Avoiding Robot
    • Technical requirements
    • Using an ultrasonic sensor
      • How an ultrasonic sensor measures distances
        • The arithmetic equation for determining the time taken
      • Wiring the ultrasonic sensor to the Raspberry Pi
      • The HC-SR04 sensor program
    • Using an LCD
      • Wiring the 16x2 LCD to the Raspberry Pi
      • Programming the LCD
        • The LCD program
        • The LCD and the ultrasonic sensor program
      • What is the I2C protocol?
        • Wiring the I2C LCD and the Raspberry Pi
        • Programming the LCD with the I2C LCD module
        • The I2C LCD and the ultrasonic sensor program
    • Building an obstacle-avoiding robot
      • Wiring connections
      • Programming the obstacle-avoiding robot
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 5: Controlling a Robot Using a Laptop
    • Technical requirements
    • Installing the ncurses library 
      • ncurses functions
      • Writing a HelloWorld program with ncurses
        • Compiling and running the program
    • Controlling LEDs and a buzzer using ncurses
      • Wiring connections
      • Writing the LEDBuzzer.cpp program
    • Controlling a rover using a laptop keyboard
      • Building a laptop-controlled rover program
      • Tracing a square path
    • Installing and setting up QT5 
      • Setting up QT5
    • Controlling LEDs with GUI buttons
      • Creating a QT project 
        • Dealing with errors
    • Controlling a rover using a laptop with QT5
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Section 3: Face and Object Recognition Robot
  • Chapter 6: Accessing the RPi Camera with OpenCV
    • Technical requirements
    • Installing OpenCV 4.0.0 on Raspberry Pi
      • Uninstalling Wolfram and LibreOffice
      • Updating your RPi
      • Installing the cmake, image, video, and gtk packages
      • Downloading and unzipping OpenCV 4.0 and its contribution repository
      • Installing Python
      • Compiling and installing OpenCV 
      • Linking OpenCV to Python
    • Enabling and connecting the RPi camera to RPi
      • Connecting the RPi camera to RPi
      • Mounting the RPi camera on the robot
    • Capturing images and video with the RPi camera
      • Recording a video with the RPi camera
      • Installing the v4l2 driver
    • Reading an image using OpenCV
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 7: Building an Object-Following Robot with OpenCV
    • Technical requirements
    • Image processing with OpenCV
      • Important functions in OpenCV 
      • Object recognition using OpenCV
        • Capturing the image
        • Finding the RGB pixel values 
        • The object detection program
      • The OpenCV camera feed program
    • Building an object-following robot
      • Ball tracing using moments
        • Programming logic
        • The ball tracing program 
      • Setting up the object-following robot
        • Object-following robot program
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 8: Face Detection and Tracking Using the Haar Classifier
    • Technical requirements
    • Face detection using the Haar cascade
      • Basic working of the Viola-Jones algorithm 
      • Face-detection program
    • Detecting the eyes and smile
      • Detecting the eyes
        • Eye detection using haarcascade_eye
        • Eye detection using haarcascade_lefteye_2splits and haarcascade_righteye_2splits 
          • Detecting the left eye
          • Detecting the right eye
      • Recognizing a smile 
        • Programming logic for smile recognition
    • Face-tracking robot
      • Wiring connections 
        • The programming logic
        • Using the white dot on the face triangle to move the robot
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Section 4: Smartphone-Controlled Robot
  • Chapter 9: Building a Voice-Controlled Robot
    • Technical requirements
    • An introduction to App Inventor
      • Creating a Talking Pi Android app
        • Designing the app
        • Programming the blocks
          • Main block
          • Intermediate block
          • Final block
        • The Talking Pi program
        • Importing and exporting the .aia file of the app
    • Creating a voice-controlled bot app
      • Designing the app
        • Adding and customizing the components
      • Programming the voice-controlled bot block
    • Pairing the Android smartphone and RPi via Bluetooth
      • Enabling the Bluetooth serial port
    • Developing the Bluetooth program for RPi
      • Socket programming
      • VoiceBot server program
        • Testing the code
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Assessments
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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