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Название: Mastering machine learning on AWS: advanced machine learning in Python using SageMaker, Apache Spark, and TensorFlow
Авторы: Mengle Saket S. R.,
Другие авторы: Gurmendez Maximo
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Machine learning.; Python (Computer program language); Data mining.; COMPUTERS / General.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1102472595

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This book will help you master your skills in various artificial intelligence and machine learning services available on AWS. Through practical hands-on examples, you'll learn how to use these services to generate impressive results. You will have a tremendous understanding of how to use a wide range of AWS services in your own organization.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Machine Learning on AWS
  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with Machine Learning for AWS
    • How AWS empowers data scientists
      • Using AWS tools for machine learning
    • Identifying candidate problems that can be solved using machine learning
    • Machine learning project life cycle
      • Data gathering
      • Evaluation metrics
      • Algorithm selection
    • Deploying models
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Section 2: Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms at Scale on AWS
  • Chapter 2: Classifying Twitter Feeds with Naive Bayes
    • Classification algorithms
      • Feature types
        • Nominal features
        • Ordinal features
        • Continuous features
    • Naive Bayes classifier
      • Bayes' theorem
        • Posterior  
        • Likelihood 
        • Prior probability 
        • Evidence 
        • How the Naive Bayes algorithm works
    • Classifying text with language models
      • Collecting the tweets
      • Preparing the data
      • Building a Naive Bayes model through SageMaker notebooks
      • Naïve Bayes model on SageMaker notebooks using Apache Spark
      • Using SageMaker's BlazingText built-in ML service
    • Naive Bayes – pros and cons
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 3: Predicting House Value with Regression Algorithms
    • Predicting the price of houses
    • Understanding linear regression
      • Linear least squares estimation
      • Maximum likelihood estimation
      • Gradient descent 
    • Evaluating regression models 
      • Mean absolute error
      • Mean squared error
      • Root mean squared error
      • R-squared
    • Implementing linear regression through scikit-learn
    • Implementing linear regression through Apache Spark
    • Implementing linear regression through SageMaker's linear Learner
    • Understanding logistic regression
      • Logistic regression in Spark
    • Pros and cons of linear models
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Predicting User Behavior with Tree-Based Methods
    • Understanding decision trees
      • Recursive splitting
        • Types of decision trees
      • Cost functions 
        • Gini Impurity
        • Information gain
      • Criteria to stop splitting trees
    • Understanding random forest algorithms
    • Understanding gradient boosting algorithms
    • Predicting clicks on log streams
      • Introduction to Elastic MapReduce (EMR)
      • Training with Apache Spark on EMR
        • Getting the data
        • Preparing the data
          • Categorical encoding 
          • One-hot encoding
        • Training a model
        • Evaluating our model
          • Area Under ROC Curve
          • Area under the precision-recall curve
        • Training tree ensembles on EMR
      • Training gradient-boosted trees with the SageMaker services
        • Preparing the data
          • Training with SageMaker XGBoost   
          • Applying and evaluating the model
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 5: Customer Segmentation Using Clustering Algorithms
    • Understanding How Clustering Algorithms Work
      • k-means clustering 
        • Euclidean distance
        • Manhattan distance
      • Hierarchical clustering
        • Agglomerative clustering
        • Divisive clustering
    • Clustering with Apache Spark on EMR
      • Clustering with Spark and SageMaker on EMR
      • Understanding the purpose of the IAM role
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 6: Analyzing Visitor Patterns to Make Recommendations
    • Making theme park attraction recommendations through Flickr data
    • Collaborative filtering
      • Memory-based approach
      • Model-based approach
        • Matrix factorization
        • Stochastic gradient descent
        • Alternating Least Squares 
    • Finding recommendations through Apache Spark's ALS
      • Data gathering and exploration
      • Training the model
      • Getting recommendations
    • Recommending attractions through SageMaker Factorization Machines
      • Preparing the dataset for learning
      • Training the model
      • Getting recommendations
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Section 3: Deep Learning
  • Chapter 7: Implementing Deep Learning Algorithms
    • Understanding deep learning
    • Applications of deep learning
      • Self-driving cars
      • Learning to play video games using a deep learning algorithm
    • Understanding deep learning algorithms
      • Neural network algorithms
        • Activation function
        • Backpropagation
      • Introduction to deep neural networks
    • Understanding convolutional neural networks
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 8: Implementing Deep Learning with TensorFlow on AWS
    • About TensorFlow
    • TensorFlow as a general machine learning library
    • Training and serving the TensorFlow model through SageMaker
    • Creating a custom neural net with TensorFlow 
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 9: Image Classification and Detection with SageMaker
    • Introducing Amazon SageMaker for image classification
    • Training a deep learning model using Amazon SageMaker
    • Classifying images using Amazon SageMaker
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Section 4: Integrating Ready-Made AWS Machine Learning Services
  • Chapter 10: Working with AWS Comprehend
    • Introducing Amazon Comprehend
    • Accessing AmazonComprehend
    • Named-entity recognition using Comprehend
    • Sentiment analysis using Comprehend
    • Text classification using Comprehend
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 11: Using AWS Rekognition
    • Introducing Amazon Rekognition
    • Implementing object and scene detection
    • Implementing facial analysis
      • Other Rekognition services
        • Image moderation
        • Celebrity recognition
        • Face comparison
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 12: Building Conversational Interfaces Using AWS Lex
    • Introducing Amazon Lex
    • Building a custom chatbot using Amazon Lex
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Section 5: Optimizing and Deploying Models through AWS
  • Chapter 13: Creating Clusters on AWS
    • Choosing your instance types
      • On-demand versus spot instance pricing
      • Reserved pricing
      • Amazon Machine Images (AMIs)
      • Deep learning hardware
    • Distributed deep learning
      • Model versus data parallelization
      • Distributed TensorFlow
      • Distributed learning through Apache Spark
        • Data parallelization
        • Model parallelization
        • Distributed hyperparameter tuning
        • Distributed predictions at scale
      • Parallelization in SageMaker
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14: Optimizing Models in Spark and SageMaker
    • The importance of model optimization
    • Automatic hyperparameter tuning
    • Hyperparameter tuning in Apache Spark
    • Hyperparameter tuning in SageMaker
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Chapter 15: Tuning Clusters for Machine Learning
    • Introduction to the EMR architecture
      • Apache Hadoop
      • Apache Spark
      • Apache Hive
      • Presto
      • Apache HBase
      • Yet Another Resource Negotiator
    • Tuning EMR for different applications
      • Configuring application properties
        • Maximize Resource Allocation
        • The AWS Glue Catalog
    • Managing data pipelines with Glue
      • Creating tables with Glue
      • Accessing Glue tables in Spark
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16: Deploying Models Built in AWS
    • SageMaker model deployment
    • Apache Spark model deployment
    • Summary
    • Exercises
  • Appendix: Getting Started with AWS
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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