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Название: Global branding: breakthroughs in research and practice
Организация: Information Resources Management Association,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Branding (Marketing); International business enterprises.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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"This book provides international insights into marketing strategies and techniques employed to create and sustain a globally recognized brand. It highlights a range of pertinent topics such as brand communication, consumer engagement, and product innovation"--.

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  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Brand Equity
    • Chapter 1: Defining the Concept of Brand Equity With Radical Transparency
    • Chapter 2: Increasing the Brand Equity of Private Label Brands
    • Chapter 3: Multi-Sensory Fashion Retail Experiences
    • Chapter 4: The Impact of Integrated Marketing Communications on Hotel Brand Equity
    • Chapter 5: Evaluation of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Perception and Brand Equity in Indian Market
  • Section 2: Brand Loyalty
    • Chapter 6: E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty
    • Chapter 7: Relationship Marketing as a Mediating Role Between Brand Image and Customer Loyalty in B2B Markets
    • Chapter 8: Apps in Hospitality and Tourism
    • Chapter 9: Determinants of Attitudinal Loyalty in Retail Banking
  • Section 3: Brand Management and Customer Engagement
    • Chapter 10: Consumer Relationships With Brands
    • Chapter 11: How to Drive Brand Communication in Virtual Settings
    • Chapter 12: Managing Integrated Brand Communication Strategies in the Online Era
    • Chapter 13: Choice of National Brand vs. Private Label “Me-Too” New Products in a Multicultural Context
    • Chapter 14: Brand Positioning Practices in Services Sector
    • Chapter 15: Brand Experiences, Retail Scenarios, and Brand Images in the Fashion Industry
    • Chapter 16: Importance and Role of Retail Brands in a Non-Food Market
    • Chapter 17: Managing Brand Portfolio in a Crisis
    • Chapter 18: An Empirical Study to Find the Road-Map for Understanding Online Buying Practices of Indian Youths
  • Section 4: Brand Preference and Buying Behavior
    • Chapter 19: Consumer Acculturation and Implications for Brand Preferences
    • Chapter 20: Sales Promotional Strategies and Buying Behavior in an Emerging Market at the Post Recession Period
    • Chapter 21: Factors Influencing the Buying Behavior of Female Consumers With Reference to Top Three Brands of Make-Up Cosmetics in Pune City
  • Section 5: Brand Trust and Reputation Management
    • Chapter 22: Differences and Similarities
    • Chapter 23: Brand Trust Determinants and Customer Switching Resistance
    • Chapter 24: Antecedents and Consequences of E-News Brand Trust
    • Chapter 25: The Importance of Electronics News Brand Trust
    • Chapter 26: Reputation Management
    • Chapter 27: Branding, Bonding, and a Brand's Reputation
  • Section 6: Emotional Brand Attachment and Brand Personality
    • Chapter 28: Building Emotional Brand Personalities
    • Chapter 29: Multisensory Brand Experiences and Brand Love
    • Chapter 30: Brand Revitalization
    • Chapter 31: Understanding Doppelgänger Brand Image
    • Chapter 32: Consumer-Brand Relations
    • Chapter 33: Fans and Brands
    • Chapter 34: “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done”
  • Section 7: Social Media and Online Brand Communities
    • Chapter 35: Social Media and Online Brand Communities
    • Chapter 36: Social Media Brand Communities and Brand Loyalty
    • Chapter 37: Social Media Effects in Virtual Brand Communities
    • Chapter 38: The Role of Online Social Interaction in the Recommendation of a Brand Community
    • Chapter 39: Social Media Mining for Assessing Brand Popularity
    • Chapter 40: Creating Cultural Analogues in Virtual Communities Through Branding
    • Chapter 41: Social Identity Matters
    • Chapter 42: The Impact of EWOM Referral, Celebrity Endorsement, and Information Quality on Purchase Decision
    • Chapter 43: Children Using Social Media to Connect With Others and With Consumer Brands
    • Chapter 44: Building the Force
    • Chapter 45: Country Brand Management
  • Index

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