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Название: On the good life: thinking through the intermediaries in Plato's Philebus
Авторы: Ionescu Cristina
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: PHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • I. The Unity of the Philebus: Metaphysical Assumptions of the Good Human Life
    • The Dialectical Method and the Fourfold Structure of Reality
    • Using the Method and the Fourfold Model to Analyze Pleasure and Knowledge
  • II. The Placement of Pleasure and Knowledge in the Fourfold Articulation of Reality
    • The Placement of Pleasure and Knowledge on the Fourfold Metaphysical Map
    • The Relation between Pleasure and Knowledge in Light of Their Placement on the Metaphysical Map
  • III. Hybrid Varieties of Pleasure: True Mixed Pleasures and False Pure Pleasures
    • Distinct Criteria for Classifying Pleasures: Truth/Falsehood and Purity/Impurity
    • Hybrid Pleasures
      • Can Mixed Pleasures Be True?
      • Can Pure Pleasures Be False?
      • Why Hybrid Pleasures Matter
  • IV. The Nature of Pleasure: Absolute Standards of Replenishment and Due Measure
    • Pleasure as Perceived Replenishment of Some Lack
      • False Pleasures of Anticipation (36c–40e)
    • Absolute Standards of Replenishment and Due Measure
  • V. Pleasures of Learning and the Role of Due Measure in Experiencing Them
    • Aporia and the Purity of our Pleasures of Learning
    • False and Impure Pleasures of Learning Alongside True and Pure Ones
      • Mixed Pleasures of Learning
      • False Pleasures of Learning
    • The Role of Due Measure in Experiencing Pleasures of Learning
  • VI. Plato’s Conception of Pleasure Confronting Three Aristotelian Critiques
    • Aristotle’s View of Pleasure in the Nicomachean Ethics
    • A Platonic Response to Aristotle’s Critique of Pleasure as Genesis and as Replenishment of a Lack
  • Appendix. The Philebus’s Implicit Response to the Aporiai of Participation from the Parmenides
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
    • Primary Sources
    • Secondary Sources
  • Index

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