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Название: Heterodox studies in the critique of political economy. Accounting for history in Marx's Capital: the missing link
Авторы: Bryer Robert
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Labor theory of value — History.; Capitalism — History.; Socialism — History.; Capitalism.; Labor theory of value.; Socialism.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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"The book reinterprets Marx's historical materialism as a world accounting history, answers his critics, and supports his theory with accounting evidence from history. It explains Marx's prediction of the inevitability of socialism, and outlines the necessary tasks of critical accounting for Marxists to get Day One"--.

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  • Cover
  • Accounting for History in Marx’s Capital
  • Series Page
  • Accounting for History in Marx’s Capital: The Missing Link
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • List of Abbreviations
  • List of Figures and Tables
    • Figures
    • Tables
  • Chapter 1
    • The Missing Link
      • Accounting, History, and Marx
      • Marx’s Theory and its Critics
      • Capitalist Accounting and History
      • Historians and Philosophers
      • The Inevitability of Socialism
      • Overview
      • Notes
  • Chapter 2
    • Marx’s Theory of History
      • Marx’s Theory of History
      • The Giddens Critique
      • Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations
      • Concluding Comments
      • Notes
  • Chapter 3
    • An Accounting Critique of Marxist Interpretations
      • Interpreting Marx’s Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production
      • Analytical Marxism
      • Concluding Comments
      • Note
  • Chapter 4
    • Ancient Slavery
      • Ancient Near-Eastern Accounting
      • Greek and Roman Accounting
      • Estate Management
      • Conclusions and Implications
      • Notes
  • Chapter 5
    • Slavery in the Late Roman Empire
      • Framing the Early Middle Ages
      • Wickham’s Marxism
      • The Late Roman Empire
      • Concluding Comments
      • Notes
  • Chapter 6
    • Transition to Feudalism in Western Europe
      • Taxation in Wickham’s Framework
      • Differential Consequences of the Collapse of the Roman Empire
      • The Transition to Feudalism in the West
      • Was Feudalism An Evolutionary Progression?
      • Concluding Comments
      • Note
  • Chapter 7
    • Capitalist Ideology and Accounting
      • The Centrality of Accounting
      • Marx’s Theory of Ideology
      • Capitalist Ideology and Accounts
      • Is There a ‘Problem of Ideology’?
      • Concluding Comments
      • Notes
  • Chapter 8
    • The Socialist Mode of Production
      • Issues
      • Early Writings
      • Mature Writings
      • Critique of the Gotha Programme
      • A Scheme for Socialist Accounting: Day 1
      • Concluding Comments
      • Notes
  • Chapter 9
    • The Tasks of Critical Accounting
      • Critical Accounting
      • Without Marx’s Theory of Value
      • Without Marx’s Theory of History
      • Marxian Accounting
      • Concluding Comments
      • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Author

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