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Название: Energy economics: science, policy, and economic applications
Авторы: Sadler Thomas R.,
Выходные сведения: Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Power resources — Economic aspects.; Political Science: Public Policy / General.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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Energy Economics: Science, Policy, and Economic Applications explains various energy systems from an economics perspective. Specifically, the author uses the tools of economics to analyze the development of modern energy systems, the world's reliance on fossil fuels, and the components of a transition to cleaner energy resources.

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  • Cover
  • Part 1: Fundamentals of Energy Economics
    • Chapter 1
    • Introduction to Energy Economics
      • Global Trends
      • A New Age of Globalization
      • Energy and the Climate Crisis
      • Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Resources
      • Nonrenewable Energy Resources
      • Renewable Energy Resources
      • The Grand Challenge of Energy Transition
      • Visions of the Future
      • Organization of the Book
      • Summary
      • Terms
      • Questions
    • Chapter 2
    • Energy Systems, Efficiency, and Conservation
      • Energy Systems and Sectors
      • Energy Conversion Chain
      • The Benefits of Energy Efficiency
      • The Adoption of Energy-Efficient Technology
      • The Energy Efficiency Gap and Policy Responses
      • Policy Design and Implementation
      • Impediments to Energy Efficiency
      • Energy Intensity
      • Energy Conservation
      • Energy and the Environment
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Chapter 3
    • Energy Sectors, Part I
      • Power and the Electric Grid
      • Market Considerations
      • The Traditional Electric Grid
      • Base Load, Peak Load, and Intermediate Load Power
      • The Portfolio Problem of Power Technology
      • Biopower
      • Geothermal Power
      • Hydropower
      • Marine and Hydrokinetic Power
      • Nuclear Power
      • Solar Power
      • Wind Power
      • Stationary Fuel Cells
      • Policy and Regulation
      • Public and Private Partnerships
      • Financial Incentives
      • Summary
      • Terms
      • Questions
    • Chapter 4
    • Energy Sectors, Part II
      • The Fuel Sector
      • The Building Sector
      • The Industrial Sector
      • The Transportation Sector
      • Summary
      • Terms
      • Questions
    • Chapter 5
    • Energy Policy
      • Externalities and Economic Efficiency
      • Negative Externality
      • Positive Externality
      • Energy Policy and the Political Process
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Chapter 6
    • Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets
      • Energy Supply
      • Energy Supply in the United States
      • Global Energy Supply
      • Energy Demand
      • Energy Markets
      • Economics of Depletable Resources
      • Summary
      • Terms
      • Questions
  • Part 2: Traditional Energy Resources
    • Chapter 7
    • Oil
      • Oil: Historical Context
      • Theory of Oligopoly
      • Oil Policy
      • Oil and Sustainability
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Chapter 8
    • Coal
      • History of Coal and the Industry
      • Coal Lifecycle
      • Coal Reserves, Production, Price, and the Economy
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Chapter 9
    • Natural Gas
      • Natural Gas History
      • Natural Gas Reserves, Production, Price, and the Economy
      • Natural Gas and the Economy
      • Contemporary Challenges
      • Natural Gas and Climate Change
      • Natural Gas and Sustainability
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Chapter 10
    • Nuclear Energy
      • Fundamentals of Nuclear Energy
      • Nuclear Origins
      • Radioactive Waste Management
      • Nuclear Energy and Climate Change
      • Nuclear Energy and Sustainability
      • A Roadmap for Nuclear Energy Innovation
      • Nuclear Energy Policy
      • The Nuclear Debate
      • New Reactor Design: the Case of Small Modular Reactors
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
  • Part 3: Moving Forward
    • Chapter 11
    • The Rise of Renewable Energy
      • Public Policies for Renewables
      • Bioenergy
      • Geothermal Energy
      • Hydropower
      • Solar
      • Wind
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Chapter 12
    • Energy, Economics, and the Climate Crisis
      • The Climate as Public Good
      • Integrated Assessment Model of Climate Change
      • Economic and Energy Activity Redux
      • Moving Forward: The Wedge Framework
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Chapter 13
    • Energy Security
      • Model of Energy Security
      • Sources of Disruption
      • Application of the Model
      • Ranking the Security of Energy Systems
      • Energy Security and Independence
      • Energy Security and Policy Choice
      • Energy Security and Geopolitics
      • Energy and Geopolitical Risk
      • Energy Security and Grand Strategy
      • Future Trends
      • Enhancing Energy Security
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Chapter 14
    • Conclusion
      • The Road to Decarbonization and Clean Energy Transformation
      • Energy Transition as a Long and Protracted Process
      • Energy Transition as an Expedited and Quicker Process
      • The Path Dependence of Energy Transition
      • The Way Forward: Achieving the Clean Energy Transformation
      • Policies for Clean Energy Transformation
      • Visions of the Future Revisited
      • A New Energy Paradigm?
      • Summary
      • Concepts
      • Questions
    • Bibliography
    • Index
    • About the Author

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