Детальная информация

Название: Practice, progress, and proficiency in sustainability (PPPS) book series. Examining the environmental impacts of materials and buildings
Другие авторы: Brownell Blaine Erickson
Организация: IGI Global,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Building materials — Environmental aspects.; Construction and demolition debris — Environmental aspects.; Architecture — Environmental aspects.; Sustainable construction.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1145363075

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This book provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of ecological performance within modern building design and materials-based construction. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as life cycle assessment, material flows analysis, and sustainability, this book is ideally designed for architects, civil engineers, construction professionals, environmentalists, ecologists, business practitioners, scientists, policymakers, designers, researchers, and academicians seeking research on current trends in environmental performance within building design.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • Dedication
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • Table of Contents
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgment
  • Section 1: Embodied Impact
    • Chapter 1: The Embodied Impact of Existing Building Stock
    • Chapter 2: Building Codes Don't Measure Up
    • Chapter 3: Teardown Index
  • Section 2: Material Topics
    • Chapter 4: Toxicity in Architectural Plastics
    • Chapter 5: Green Charcoal
    • Chapter 6: Fluid Matters
  • Section 3: Expanded Frameworks
    • Chapter 7: Life-Cycle Assessment-Based Environmental Performance Targets for Buildings
    • Chapter 8: Social Life-Cycle Assessment for Building Materials
    • Chapter 9: Improving the Weather
    • Chapter 10: Post-Normal Material Practice
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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