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Название: The C++ workshop: a new, interactive approach to learning C++
Авторы: Green Dale
Другие авторы: Guntheroth Kurt; Mitchell Shaun Ross
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: C++ (Computer program language); Application software — Development.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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Группа: Анонимные пользователи

Сеть: Интернет


Cut through the noise and get real results with a step-by-step approach to learning C++ development.

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  • Cover
  • FM
  • Copyright
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Your First C++ Application
    • Introduction
      • Advantages of C++
    • Anatomy of a C++ Application
      • Exercise 1: Compiling Our First Application
      • C++ Build Pipeline
    • C++ Keywords
      • Keyword Examples
    • Preprocessor Directives
      • Include
      • Macros
      • Conditional Compilation
      • Exercise 2: Defining Values with Preprocessor Directives
    • Basic I/O Statements
      • Exercise 3: Reading User Details
    • Functions
      • Passing by Value, Passing by Reference
        • Why Are We Outputting 10?
      • Function Overloading
      • Default Parameters
      • Exercise 4: Functions
      • Activity 1: Writing Your Own C++ Application
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Control Flow
    • Introduction
    • if/else
      • Exercise 5: Implementing if/else Statements
      • Ternary Operator
      • Exercise 6: Creating a Simple Menu Program Using an if/else Statement
    • switch/case
      • Exercise 7: Refactor an if/else Chain into switch/case
    • Loops
      • while
      • Exercise 8: Implementing a while Loop
      • do while
      • Exercise 9: Implementing while and do while Loops with a False Condition
      • for
      • Exercise 10: Implementing a for Loop
      • Range-based for loop
      • Exercise 11: Generating Random Numbers Using Loops
    • break/continue
      • break
      • continue
      • Exercise 12: Making a Loop More Efficient Using break and continue
      • Activity 2: Creating a Number-Guessing Game Using Loops and Conditional Statements
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Built-In Data Types
    • Introduction
    • Data Types
      • Type Modifiers
      • Built-In Types
      • Reference Table
      • Exercise 13: Declaring Data Types
    • Containers
      • Arrays
      • Initialization
      • Accessing Elements
      • Array Memory
      • Exercise 14: Implementing Containers to Store Usernames
      • Multidimensional Arrays
      • Exercise 15: Using Multidimensional Arrays to Store More Data
      • Vectors
      • Accessing Elements
      • Exercise 16: Looping over a Vector
      • Initialization
      • Modifying Elements
      • Exercise 17: Modifying a Vector
    • Classes/Structs
      • Classes
      • Structs
      • Access Modifiers
      • Exercise 18: Using Accessibility Modifiers to Control Access
      • Constructors/Destructors
      • Exercise 19: Classes/Struct
    • Storage Lifetime
      • Exercise 20: Storage Lifetime Example
      • Static
      • Activity 3: Sign-Up Application
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Operators
    • Introduction
    • Arithmetic Operators
      • Exercise 21: The Prime Number Checker
    • Relational Operators
      • Equality
      • Comparison
      • Exercise 22: The Time-of-Day Calculator
    • Unary Operators
      • Exercise 23: A Pre-Increment/Post-Increment Example
    • Assignment Operators
    • Logical Operators
      • Exercise 24: Logical Operators Example
    • Operator Overloading
      • Exercise 25: Operator Overloading Example
    • Bitwise Operators
      • Activity 4: Fizz Buzz
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Pointers and References
    • Introduction
    • Memory Addresses
      • Pointers
      • Exercise 26: Pointers
      • Exercise 27: Dereferencing nullptr
      • Pointers to Arrays
      • Exercise 28: Pointers to Arrays
      • Pointer Arithmetic
      • Exercise 29: Pointer Arithmetic
      • Exercise 30: Incrementing Pointers
      • Pointers to Pointers
      • Exercise 31: Pointers to Pointers
    • References
      • Exercise 32: References
      • Exercise 33: Bad References
      • Pointers and References as Function Arguments
      • Exercise 34: Pointers as Function Arguments
      • Pointers to Classes or Structs
      • Exercise 35: Pointers to Class Instance
      • References as Function Arguments
      • Exercise 36: References as Function Arguments
      • Activity 5: Using Pointers and References to Manipulate an Array of Strings
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Dynamic Variables
    • Introduction
    • Dynamic Variables
      • Exercise 37: Creating and Deleting Dynamic Variables of Basic Types
      • Exercise 38: Creating and Deleting Dynamic Class Instances
      • Dynamic Arrays
      • Exercise 39: Creating and Deleting Dynamic Arrays of Basic Types
      • Exercise 40: Creating and Deleting Dynamic Arrays of Classes
    • Seven Dynamic Variable Sins
      • Exercise 41: Using a Dynamic Variable before Creating It
      • Exercise 42: Using a Dynamic Variable after Deleting It
      • Exercise 43: Not Deleting a Dynamic Variable
      • Exercise 44: Overwriting a Pointer to a Dynamic Variable
      • Exercise 45: Deleting a Dynamic Variable Twice
      • Exercise 46: Deleting a Dynamic Array with delete instead of delete[]
      • Exercise 47: Deleting a Dynamic Variable with delete[] instead of delete
    • Dynamic Containers
      • Linked Lists
      • Binary Search Trees
      • Recursive Data Structures
      • Visiting Items in a Recursive Data Structure
      • Finding Items
      • Adding Items
      • Deleting Dynamic Items
      • Exercise 48: Creating Linked Lists of Class Instances
      • Activity 6: Creating Binary Search Trees of Class Instances
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Ownership and Lifetime of Dynamic Variables
    • Introduction
      • The Lifetime of Dynamic Variables
      • Ownership of Dynamic Variables
      • Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII)
      • Exercise 49: Lifetime Demonstration
      • Exercise 50: Owned Pointers in Data Structures
      • Exercise 51: Transfer of Ownership
    • Smart Pointers — Automated Ownership of Dynamic Variables
      • unique_ptr<>
      • Exercise 52: Working with unique_ptr<>
      • make_unique()
      • Exercise 53: Using make_unique()
      • unique_ptr<> as a Class Member Variable
      • Exercise 54: Using unique_ptr<> as a Class Member Variable
      • unique_ptr<> in Function Arguments and Return Values
      • Exercise 55: Using unique_ptr<> in Function Return Values
    • Shared Ownership of Dynamic Variables
      • Exercise 56: Using shared_ptr<>
      • make_shared()
      • Exercise 57: Using make_shared()
      • Activity 7: Storing the Words of a Book Using Dynamic Variables
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Classes and Structs
    • Introduction
    • Classes versus Structs
    • Unions
    • Constructors and Destructors
      • Constructors
      • Default Constructors
      • Exercise 58: Defining a Default Constructor
      • Parameterized Constructors
      • Exercise 59: Defining a Parameterized Constructor
      • Copy Constructors
      • Shallow Copy or Deep Copy
      • Exercise 60: Defining a Copy Constructor
      • Copy Assignment Operator
      • Exercise 61: Overloading the Assignment Operator
      • Destructors
      • Activity 8: Creating a VideoClip Class
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Object-Oriented Principles
    • Introduction
    • Classes and OOP
      • S in SOLID
      • Exercise 62: Creating a Class that Prints Values
      • Encapsulation
      • Exercise 63: Creating a Position Class with Private Member Variables
      • Getters and Setters
      • Exercise 64: Getters and Setters in a Position Class
    • Return Value or Reference
      • Return by Value
      • Return by Reference
      • const
      • Returning const References
      • Const Functions
      • Abstraction
      • Activity 9: A Basic RPG Combat System
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Advanced Object-Oriented Principles
    • Introduction
    • Inheritance
      • Exercise 65: Inheritance
    • Multiple Inheritance
      • Exercise 66: Multiple Inheritance
      • Access Modifiers and Inheritance
      • Exercise 67: Access Modifiers and Inheritance
      • Virtual Functions
      • Pure Virtual Functions/Abstract Classes
      • Exercise 68: Virtual Functions
    • Polymorphism
      • Exercise 69: Polymorphism
    • Casting between Types
      • Static Cast
      • Dynamic Cast
      • C-Style Cast
      • Exercise 70: Casting
      • Activity 10: An Encyclopedia Application
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Templates
    • Introduction
    • Syntax
      • Template Classes
      • Exercise 71: Creating Different Types for the Position Objects
      • Multiple Template Parameters
      • Template Functions
      • Exercise 72: Comparing Position Values Using a Template Function
      • Template Specialization
      • Additional Template Considerations
        • Forcing Accepted Types
        • Templates and Default Constructors
    • Creating a Generic Queue
      • What Is a Queue?
      • Implementing Constructors and Destructors in the Queue
      • Dynamic Memory
        • Allocators
      • Resizing and Appending
      • Pushing and Popping
      • Finalizing and Testing
      • Activity 11: Creating a Generic Stack
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Containers and Iterators
    • Introduction
    • Containers
      • A String Is a Container
      • String Constructors
      • Exercise 73: Creating Strings
      • Assigning to Strings
      • Operations on Strings
      • Iterators
      • Further Research
      • Exercise 74: Is It a Palindrome?
    • Vectors-Handy, Resizable Arrays
      • Vector Constructors
      • Vector Assignment
      • Exercise 75: Accessing Elements in a Vector
      • Operations on Vectors
      • Searching Vectors
      • Exercise 76: Sorting Vectors with a Custom Comparison
    • Map/Unordered Map: Our Associative Containers
      • Constructing Maps and Unordered Maps
      • Operations on Maps and Unordered Maps
      • Exercise 77: Map Quiz
    • Sets/Multisets
      • Constructors
      • Exercise 78: A Custom Comparator for a Set
      • Operations
      • Exercise 79: Using a Set to Get the Number of Unique Elements in a Multiset
    • Queues/Stacks
      • Constructors
      • Operations
      • Activity 12: Converting RPG Combat to Use Standard Library Containers
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Exception Handling in C++
    • Introduction
    • Responding to Unexpected Events
      • Throwing Exceptions
      • Uncaught Exceptions
      • Exercise 80: Throwing Uncaught Exceptions
      • Catching Exceptions
      • Exercise 81: try/catch Blocks
      • Exercise 82: Exceptions Thrown by C++
      • Unwinding the Stack
      • RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) and Exception Handling
      • Exercise 83: Unwinding the Stack
      • Activity 13: Handling Exceptions
    • Summary
  • Appendix
  • Index

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