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Название: Political theory for today. Cosmopolitanism and its discontents: rethinking politics in the age of Brexit and Trump
Другие авторы: Ward Lee
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Cosmopolitanism.; World politics; Political sociology.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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This volume examines the cosmopolitanism ideal from ancient to contemporary times. It grapples with the question: Is there still relevance today for the idea of the "citizen of the world" that transcends national borders in the aftermath of the Brexit Referendum result and election of Donald Trump in 2016?

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  • Cover
  • Cosmopolitanism and Its Discontents
  • Series page
  • Cosmopolitanism and Its Discontents: Rethinking Politics in the Ageof Brexit and Trump
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Part I: Foreshadowing of the Cosmopolitanism Debate before Kant
    • Chapter 1
    • Cicero between Cosmopolis and Republic
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 2
    • Johannes Althusius’s Cosmopolitan Defense of Local Politics
      • Cosmopolitanism in the Early Modern Holy Roman Empire
      • Fellowship and Covenant: The Making of a People in Althusius
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 3
    • Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Jewish Political Thought
      • The Study of Nature and Cosmopolitanism
      • The Jews and Cosmopolitanism
      • Trade and Cosmopolitanism
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 4
    • Rousseau’s Paradoxical Cosmopolitan Anti-Cosmopolitanism
      • Rousseau’s Cosmopolitanism
      • Rousseau’s Anti-cosmopolitanism
      • Notes
      • References
  • Part II: Kant’s Cosmopolitanism and Its Critics
    • Chapter 5
    • A Cosmopolitanism that Populists Could Love
      • The Value of Republican Self-Government
      • The People’s Honor
      • Immigration, Political Autonomy, and the Rule of Law
      • Abbreviations
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 6
    • Citizen Marx
      • Marx’s Critique of Capitalist Cosmopolitanism
      • Marx’s Praise for Proletarian Internationalism
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 7
    • Nietzsche’s Good Europeans
      • Universality and Hospitality
      • Good Europeans
      • Beyond Inheritance
      • Conclusion
      • Abbreviations
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 8
    • Global Enframing, Authentic History, Dasein
      • A Time of Crossing
      • The Poet as Founder-Guardian
      • Gods, Ancient, and Modern
      • A Modern Destiny? Philosophy, Enframing, and Machenschaft
      • In Search for “Roots”: Singing the Authenticity of Da-sein
      • Notes
      • References
  • Part III: Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Politics and Economics
    • Chapter 9
    • John Rawls against the Clash of Civilizations
      • The Major Flaws of an Important Book
      • Rawls’ Contribution
      • Western Ethnocentrism
      • Various Sources of Individualistic Resistance
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 10
    • Glocalism and Democracy in James Tully’s Critique of Cosmopolitanism and Imperialism
      • Democracy as Public Philosophy
      • Kant’s Cosmopolitan-Imperial Legacy
      • The EU as an Alternative to Cosmopolitan Imperialism
      • Glocalism as Alternative to Cosmopolitanism
      • Conclusion: From Seattle to Porto Allegre
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 11
    • Rethinking the Democratic Boundary Problem
      • What Is the Question?
      • What Are the Answers?
      • Which Answers Work?
      • Notes
      • References
  • Part IV: Populism, Nationalism, and Democratic Citizenship
    • Chapter 12
    • “Forced to be Free”
      • Laicité as a Political Principle
      • Disparate Treatment vs. Disparate Impact
      • Laicité as a Religious Principle
      • Laicité and Public Identity
      • The Ban on the Hijab
      • Nationalism and the Rejection of Cosmopolitanism
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 13
    • Demos or No Demos?
      • Citizenship and Its Four Dimensions
      • EU Citizenship and Democracy: Elements, Particularities, and Flaws
      • Does the EU Need a Demos and an Identity?
      • The Chicken and Egg Question of Demos Building
      • What Is European Identity?
      • Empirical Findings
      • Citizenship and Democracy in the EU: Conclusions
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 14
    • A Decline in Democratic Say?
      • Notes
      • References
    • Index
    • List of Contributors

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