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Название: The the Economics of Data, Analytics, and Digital Transformation: The Theorems, Laws, and Empowerments to Guide Your Organization's Digital Transformation.
Авторы: Schmarzo Bill.; Borne Kirk.
Выходные сведения: Birmingham: Packt Publishing, Limited, 2020
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Information technology — Management.; Big data.; Database design & theory.; Data capture & analysis.; Information visualization.; Information architecture.; Computers — Data Processing.; Computers — Data Modeling & Design.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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A comprehensive guide for seasoned business leaders who struggle with where and how to exploit the economics of data and analytics to gain true value from data, accelerate company operations through AI, and guide their digital transformation.

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  • Cover
  • Copyright
  • Packt Page
  • Foreword
  • Contributor
  • Table of Content
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: The CEO Mandate: Become Value-driven, Not Data-driven
    • The Data- and Value-Driven Mindsets, Defined
    • Understanding the Big Data Business Model Maturity Index Phases
    • Navigating the Big Data Business Model Maturity Index
    • Transitioning from Business Monitoring to Business Insights
    • Transitioning from Business Insights to Business Optimization
    • Transitioning from Business Optimization to Insights Monetization
    • Transitioning from Insights Monetization to Digital Transformation
    • Testing the Big Data Business Model Maturity Index
    • Summary
    • Further Reading
    • Homework
  • Chapter 2: Value Engineering: The Secret Sauce for Data Science Success
    • Step 1: Identify a Strategic Business Initiative
    • Step 2: Identify Key Business Stakeholders
    • Step 3: Brainstorm and Prioritize Decisions (Use Cases)
    • Step 4: Identify Supporting Analytics
    • Step 5: Identify Potential Data Sources and Instrumentation Strategy
    • Step 6: Identify Supporting Architecture and Technologies
    • Summary
    • Homework
  • Chapter 3: A Review of Basic Economic Concepts
    • The Economic Value Curve
    • The Law of Supply and Demand
    • The Economic Multiplier Effect
    • Marginal Costs and Sunk Costs
    • Scarcity
    • Postponement Theory
    • Efficiency
    • Capital
    • Price Elasticity
    • The Economic Utility Function
    • Summary
    • Further Reading
    • Homework
  • Chapter 4: University of San Francisco Economic Value of Data Research Paper
    • Introduction
    • Creating the Collaborative Value Creation Framework
    • Chipotle Use Case
    • Summary
    • Citations
  • Chapter 5: The Economic Value of Data Theorems
    • EvD Theorem #1: Data, By Itself, Provides Little Value
    • EvD Theorem #2: Predictions, Not Data, Drive Value
    • EvD Theorem #3: Predictions Drive Value Through Use Cases
    • EvD Theorem #4: The Data Economic Multiplier Effect is the Real Game-changer
    • EvD Theorem #5: Predictions Enable "Do More with Less"
    • The Economic Value of Data Calculation
    • Summary
    • Further Reading
    • Homework
  • Chapter 6: The Economics of Artificial Intelligence
    • Orphaned Analytics
    • Role of Analytic Modules
    • Composable, Reusable, Continuously Learning Analytic Module Architecture
    • A Quick Primer on Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Artificial Intelligence
    • Case Study #1: Google TensorFlow
    • Case Study #2: Tesla Autonomous Vehicles
    • The Autonomous Holy Grail of AI
    • Summary
    • Further Reading
    • Homework
  • Chapter 7: The Schmarzo Economic Digital Assest Valuation Theorem
    • The Economies of Scale
    • The Economies of Learning
    • Digital Economics Effect #1: Marginal Costs Flatten
    • Digital Economics Effect #2: Economic Value of Digital Assets Grows
    • Digital Economics Effect #3: Economic Value of Digital Assets Accelerates
    • Implementing the Schmarzo Economic Digital Asset Valuation Theorem
    • Summary
    • Further Reading
    • Homework
  • Chapter 8: The 8 Laws of Digital Transformation
    • DX Law #1: It’s About Business Models, Not Just Business Processes
    • DX Law #2: It’s About Digital Transformation, Not Digitalization
    • DX Law #3: It’s About Speaking the Language of Your Customers
    • DX Law #4: It’s About Creating New Digital Assets
    • DX Law #5: It’s About Transitioning from Predicting to Prescribing to Autonomous
    • DX Law #6: It’s About AI-driven Autonomous Operations and Policies
    • DX Law #7: It’s About Identifying, Codifying, and Operationalizing Sources of Value
    • DX Law #8: It’s About the 3 Horizons of Digital Transformation
    • Summary
    • Further Reading
    • Homework
  • Chapter 9: Creating a Culture of Innovation Through Empowerment
    • Team Empowerment History Lesson
    • Empowerment #1: Internalize the Organization’s Mission
    • Empowerment #2: Speak the Language of the Customer
    • Empowerment #3: Empowering Teams Through Organizational Improvisation
    • Empowerment #4: Embrace an “AND” Mentality
    • Empowerment #5: Embrace Critical Thinking
    • Summary
    • Further Reading
    • Homework
  • Appendix A: My Most Popular Economics of Data, Analytics, and Digital Transformation Infographics
  • Appendix B: The Economics of Data, Analytics, and Digital Transformation Cheat Sheet
    • Chapter 1: The CEO Mandate: Become Value-driven, Not Data-driven
    • Chapter 2: Value Engineering: The Secret Sauce for Data Science Success
    • Chapter 3: A Review of Basic Economic Concepts
    • Chapter 4: University of San Francisco Economic Value of Data Research Paper
    • Chapter 5: The Economic Value of Data Theorems
    • Chapter 6: The Economics of Artificial Intelligence
    • Chapter 7: The Schmarzo Economic Digital Asset Valuation Theorem
    • Chapter 8: The 8 Laws of Digital Transformation
    • Chapter 9: Creating a Culture of Innovation Through Empowerment
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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