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Название: Ideology and international institutions
Авторы: Voeten Erik
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: International agencies.; International organization.; Ideology.; World politics.; Political science.; Associations, institutions, etc., Foreign.; Politique mondiale.; Associations étrangères.; POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / General.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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A new theoretical framework for understanding how social, economic, and political conflicts influence international institutions and their place in the global order.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • CHAPTER 1 Introduction
    • The Argument in Brief
    • A Brief Illustration: The WTO
    • A Road Map
  • CHAPTER 2 Global Ideological Conflict: Concept and Measurement
    • What Are International Institutions?
    • What Is Ideology?
      • Ideology in the IR Literature
      • Definition
      • What Are Global Ideological Divisions About?
    • Ideology and Constraint
    • Measuring Ideological Positions
      • Using UN Votes to Estimate Sta te Ideal Points
      • Ideal Point Estimation
      • The Correlates of UN Ideal Points
    • Conclusion
  • CHAPTER 3 Ideology and Theories of International Institutions
    • Functionalism and Its Descendants
    • Rational Institutionalism
    • Liberal Internationalism
    • Constructivism
    • Conclusion
  • CHAPTER 4 A Spatial Modeling Framework
    • A Simple Spatial Model with Interdependence
    • An Example with Two States
      • High Interdependence (No Enforcement Problems)
      • Moderate Interdependence
    • Multiple Actors
    • Conclusions
  • CHAPTER 5 Expertise, Ideology, and Distributive Politics
    • The Informational Model
    • Information Acquisition
      • Shared Interests
      • Heterogeneous State Interests
    • Information Sharing and Interpretation
    • Trust and Distrust in Experts amid Ideological Conflict
      • The Trustee Ideal
      • Trust, Institutions, and Verifiability
    • Conclusion
  • CHAPTER 6 Ideological Structure and Membership in International Institutions
    • Ideology and IGO Memberships
      • Ideological Sorting into IGOs
      • A Regression Analysis
    • Alliances
    • Network Analysis and Ideological Structure
    • Conclusion
  • CHAPTER 7 Ideology, Institutions, Power, and Militarized Disputes
    • Information, Commitment, and Bargaining Failure
    • A Distributive Ideological Theory
      • Ideology and the Portfolio of IGO Memberships
      • The Dual Effects of Well- Func tioning Exclusionary IGOs
      • Observable Implications
    • Data and Method
    • Results
      • Major Power Status and Contiguity
      • Replications
      • IGO Portfolios
    • Conclusion
  • CHAPTER 8 Ideology and the Investment Regime
    • Ideological Conflict and the Emergence of the Investment Regime
    • The Move to Investment Treaties
      • Evidence from U.S. BIT Programs
      • Moving beyond the Dyad
    • Renegotiation
    • Conclusion
  • CHAPTER 9 Populism and Backlashes against International Courts
    • What Are Backlashes against International Courts?
    • Explanations for Backlash
      • Implementation Costs
      • Democratization
    • Populism and the International Judiciary
      • What Is Populism?
      • Why (International) Court Rulings Sometimes Upset Populists
      • Populism and Resistance to the Authority of International Courts
    • Empirical Evidence
    • How Many Backlashes Are Initiated by Populist Leaders?
    • Property Rights
    • Minority Rights and Identity
    • Conclusions and Implications
  • CHAPTER 10 Conclusion: Implications for the Liberal International Order
    • Ideology and Multilateralism
    • Ideological Challenges to the Liberal Institutional Order
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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