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Название: Open borders: encounters between Italian philosophy and continental thought
Другие авторы: Calcagno Antonio; Benso Silvia
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Philosophy, Italian.; Continental philosophy.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Open Borders: Introduction
    • Notes
  • Part One: Being, Beings, Nothingness
    • 1. Luigi Pareyson’s Ontology of Freedom: Encounters with Martin Heidegger and F. W. J. Schelling
      • Pareyson’s Philosophical Project
      • Pareyson and Heidegger
      • Heidegger and Freedom
      • Pareyson and Schelling
      • Schelling and Freedom
      • Pareyson, Heidegger, and Schelling: or, An Ontology of Freedom
      • Notes
    • 2. Emanuele Severino versus Western Nihilism (A Guide for the Perplexed)
      • Time Is Not of the Essence
      • The Essence of Nihilism in Detail
      • Philosophies of the Past
      • The World and the Real
      • Notes
    • 3. Increase or Kenosis: Hermeneutic Ontology between Hans-Georg Gadamer and Gianni Vattimo
      • Preface
      • Being Is Meaning; That Is, Possibility
      • Gadamer: An Ontology of Historical Happening
      • Vattimo: A Nihilist Ontology of Actuality
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
  • Part Two: Temporality, Subjectivities, Performances
    • 4. Lingering Gifts of Time: Ugo Perone, Edith Stein, and Martin Heidegger’s Philosophical Legacy
      • The Possible Present: A Threshold
      • The Time of Being-Held-in-Being and the Giving of Time: Edith Stein
      • Lingering and Security in Being: A Dialectical Relationship?
      • Notes
    • 5. Failing to Imagine the Lives of Others: Remo Bodei and Jean-Luc Nancy on Citizenship and Sancho Panza
      • Ontology of the Singular
      • Nancy on History and Being-With
      • Bodei and the Need for Role Models for Navigating Life
      • Notes
    • 6. A Political Gesture: The Performance of Carlo Sini and Michel Foucault
      • Philosophy as Performance
      • Sign Dazzlement
      • Political Implications
      • The Turning Point
      • Shifters
      • The Abolition of Dazzlement in Act
      • Political Consequences
      • Notes
  • Part Three: Thinking, Estrangement, Ideologies
    • 7. What Does It Mean to Think? Antonio Gramsci and Gilles Deleuze
      • Introduction
      • An Explanatory Apology
      • Illustrations
        • Medieval Perspectivism
        • Structural Causation
        • Marx’s Ghosts
      • Creativity
      • From Creativity to Assemblage/Ensemble
      • The Real and Thought
      • The Social Difference
      • Notes
    • 8. Herbert Marcuse in Italy
      • Introduction
      • The Alienation/Repression Problematic
      • An Autonomist Marcuse?
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • 9. Engaging Contemporary Ideology with Mario Perniola, Slavoj Žižek, and Robert Pfaller
      • The Enigma of Sensological Society
      • Sensological Styles
      • Communication as the Reverse and Privatistic Side of Sensological Society
      • Ritual Feeling and the Interpassive Retrieval of the Symbolic Realm
      • Notes
  • Part Four: Community, Apocalypse, the Political
    • 10. Between the Inoperative and the Coming Community: Jean-Luc Nancy and Giorgio Agamben on the Task of Ontology
      • Thinking Community Anew: Nancy’s Inoperative Community as an Ontological Task
      • Community, Inoperativeness, and Impotentiality: Agamben’s Coming Community
        • “The Gift of a Supplemental Possibility”: Toward an Ontology of Pure Potentiality
        • The Threshold that We Are: Inessential Commonality
      • Between a Given and a Coming Community: “A Tiny Displacement of the World”
      • Notes
    • 11. Who Can Hold the Apocalypse? Massimo Cacciari, Carl Schmitt, and the Katechon
      • Carl Schmitt and the Notion of the Katechon
      • Massimo Cacciari and the Eschatological Reading of the Katechon
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • 12. Movements or Events? Antonio Negri versus Alain Badiou on Politics
      • Introduction
      • Negri: Society Exists
      • Badiou: Society Does Not Exist
      • Badiou on Negri on Badiou
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
  • Part Five: Voices of Difference
    • 13. A Critique of the Forms of Political Action: Carla Lonzi and G. W. F. Hegel
      • The Originary Differentiation of the Sexes
      • Struggle and Power in the Master-Slave Dialectic
      • The Idolization of Facts
      • Existence and Politics: An Irreconcilable Opposition?
      • Political Subjectivity and the Human Subject
      • Notes
    • 14. C’è Altro: Luisa Muraro on the Symbolic of Sexual Difference along and beyond Luce Irigaray
      • Nothing in Between
      • In the Mother Tongue
      • The Symbolic of Sexual Difference
      • The Practice of Women’s Relations
      • Women Mystics Inspire
      • Notes
    • 15. Adriana Cavarero and Hannah Arendt: Singular Voices and Horrifying Narratives
      • Cavarero and the Ontological Event of Natality
      • Arendt on Natality and Narration
      • Superfluous Violence and Horrifying Narratives
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
  • Part Six: Topology, New Realism, Biopolitics
    • 16. Topology at Play: Vincenzo Vitiello and the Word of Philosophy
      • Preface
      • Topology, Religion, Art
      • Art: Praise of Space
      • Truth: The Critique of Knowledge
      • Topology: Possibility Higher Than Reality
      • Witnessing: The Impotence of Discourse
      • Notes
    • 17. On the Question of the Face of Reality: Addressing the “Myths” of the New Realism and Postmodernity
      • Notes
    • 18. Deconstruction or Biopolitics
      • I
      • II
      • III
      • IV
      • Notes
  • Contributors
  • Index

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