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Название: Mastering Adobe Animate 2021: Explore Professional Techniques and Best Practices to Design Vivid Animations and Interactive Content.
Авторы: Labrecque Joseph.; Shukla Ajay.
Выходные сведения: Birmingham: Packt Publishing, Limited, 2021
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Computer animation — Computer programs.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1237863437

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Группа: Анонимные пользователи

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This book will enable creatives and developers working with Adobe Animate to put their knowledge to work with the help of practical examples and professional techniques. The book provides a detailed overview of new and little-known advanced features that target multiple platforms.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • About Packt
  • Foreword
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Getting Up-To-Speed
  • Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction to Adobe Animate
    • Technical Requirements
    • Understanding Adobe Animate
      • A Bit of History
      • Familiar uses of Adobe Animate
    • Exploring New Features of Animate
      • Assets Panel
      • Social Share and Quick Publish
      • Timeline and Symbol Enhancements
      • Advanced Rigging
      • Auto KeyFrame
      • Hands-on Tutorial Creator
      • Selective Texture Publishing
      • New Canvas Blend Modes
      • Stream Audio Sync in Canvas
      • Enhanced Video Export
    • Keeping Up to Date with Animate Releases
      • Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop
      • Adobe Blog
      • Adobe MAX
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Exploring Platform-Specific Considerations
    • Technical Requirements
    • Exploring Animate Document Types
      • Flash Platform Runtimes
      • Branching Out to the Native Web
      • Open to Custom Platforms
    • Understanding ActionScript 3.0 Documents
      • Adobe Flash Player
      • The SWF file format
      • The ActionScript Language
    • Understanding HTML5 Canvas Documents
      • HTML and JavaScript
      • The Canvas Element
      • The CreateJS Libraries
    • Exploring the Adobe Integrated Runtime
      • Adobe AIR
      • Adobe AIR and ActionScript 3.0
      • Adobe AIR and HARMAN
      • AIR for Desktop
      • AIR for iOS
      • AIR for Android
    • Experimenting with Animate Beta Platforms
      • WebGL glTF – Standard and Extended
      • VR Panorama and VR 360
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Settling into the User Interface
    • Technical Requirements
    • Exploring the Animate Interface
      • Important User Interface Elements
      • Choosing Your Start Settings
      • Changing your start settings
    • Managing Workspaces and Panels
      • Using the Default Workspaces
      • Customizing the Workspace
      • Saving a Custom Workspace
      • Managing Workspaces
    • Customizing the Tools and Timeline panels
      • Customizing the Tools Panel
      • Exploring the Timeline Tools
      • Customizing the Timeline
    • Managing Animate Preferences
      • Customizing preferences
      • Keyboard Shortcuts
      • Managing Your Preferences
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Publishing and Exporting Creative Content
    • Technical Requirements
    • Publishing versus Exporting
      • Publishing your Projects
      • Exporting your Content
    • Publish Settings Differences between Document Types
      • Publishing ActionScript 3.0 Documents
      • Publishing HTML5 Canvas Documents
      • Publishing AIR Document Types
      • Publishing Beta Document Types
    • Options for Exporting your Content
      • Exporting Video Files
      • Exporting Animated GIFs
      • Exporting Image File sequences
      • Export Options from the Library Panel
    • Sharing Content as Animate Asset Packages
    • Summary
  • Section 2: Animating with Diverse Techniques
  • Chapter 5: Creating and Manipulating Media Content
    • Technical Requirements
    • Working with Shapes
      • Understanding the Shape Tools
    • Animating with Shape Tweens
      • Exploring Shape Tween Properties
      • Manipulating Shape Properties across Tweens
    • Working with Symbols
      • Creating symbols
      • Exploring Symbol Types
    • Animating with Classic Tweens
      • Using Classic Motion Guides
      • Exploring Classic Tween Properties
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Interactive Motion Graphics for the Web
    • Technical Requirements
    • Designing a Document for the Native Web
      • Creating a New Document for Digital Advertising
      • Importing External Content
      • Creating Text Objects
    • Animating with Motion Tweens
      • Building Symbols for use in Motion Tweens
      • Including Additional Library Items
      • Adjusting the Timeline
      • Animating with Motion Guides
      • Exploring Motion Tween properties
    • Adding Interactivity with JavaScript
      • Writing code with the Actions panel
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Character Design through Layer Parenting
    • Technical Requirements
    • Working with Advanced Layers mode
      • Assessing Layer Mode Benefits and Gotchas
      • Switching between Layer Modes
    • Animating a Character with Layer Parenting
      • Preparing assets for Layer Parenting
      • Establishing a Layer Hierarchy
      • Animating using Layer Parenting
    • Exploring Additional Character Animation Features
      • Making Use of Graphic Symbols
      • Importing Audio for Stream Sync
      • Configuring our Graphic Symbol Frames
      • Assigning Visemes and Automating Lip Syncing
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Animating Poses with IK Armatures
    • Technical Requirements
    • Building an Armature using Inverse Kinematics
      • Understanding Inverse Kinematics versus Forward Kinematics
      • Using the Bone Tool to Rig Symbol Instances
      • Refining the Rig Properties
      • Using the Bone Tool to Rig Shapes
    • Animating an IK Armature
      • Creating Additional Poses
      • Managing Armature Poses
    • Sharing a Completed IK Rig
      • Saving a Rig for Reuse
      • Importing a Rig within the Assets Panel
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Working with the Camera and Layer Depth
    • Technical Requirements
    • Understanding the Camera
      • Examining the Starter Project
      • Activating and Manipulating the Camera
    • Understanding and Manipulating the Layer Depth
      • Activating the Layer Depth Panel
      • Modifying the Layer Depth
    • Animating the Camera
      • Setting Camera Keyframes
      • Adding Motion and Easing to the Camera
    • Applying Layer Effects and Filters
      • Adding Effects to the Camera
      • Adding Filters to a Layer
    • Summary
  • Section 3: Exploring Additional Platforms
  • Chapter 10: Developing Web-Based Games
    • Technical Requirements
    • Understanding the Game Concept
      • Starter Document Overview
      • Exploring the Timeline and Stage
      • Exploring the Project Library
    • Preparing the Game Timeline, Stage, and Library
      • Labeling the Timeline
      • Creating Dynamic Text and Clickable Overlays
      • Adding Linkage IDs within the Library
    • Programming the Game with JavaScript
      • Creating Global Variables
      • Programming the Start Screen
      • Programming player actions
      • Programming Enemy Behavior
      • Programming the Game Loop
      • Programming the End Screen
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Producing Virtual Reality Content for WebGL
    • Technical Requirements
    • Overview of Virtual Reality Documents
      • Managing Scenes for Virtual Reality
      • Capturing Photographs for Virtual Reality
      • Adding Textures to Virtual Reality Scenes
    • Adding Additional Content
      • Importing Transparent 3D Renders
      • Animating with the Asset Warp Tool
      • Animating Warped Objects
    • Writing Code for Virtual Reality Interactions
      • Moving from Scene to Scene
      • Interacting with Animated Objects
      • Refining Perspective within the VR View Panel
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Building Apps for Desktop and Mobile
    • Technical Requirements
    • Working with the Adobe Integrated Runtime
      • Installing an AIR SDK in Animate
      • Configuring an AIR for Desktop Project
      • Testing your AIR Project
    • Building a User Interface
      • Working with Button Symbols
      • Using Components within an AIR Project
      • Exploring Advanced Movie Clip Symbol Settings
    • Programming an AIR Application
      • Establishing a Document Class
      • Writing ActionScript Code
    • Converting an AIR Application for Mobile Devices
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Extending Adobe Animate
    • Technical Requirements
    • Creating Custom In-App Tutorials
    • Writing JSFL Scripts
    • Understanding the Animate Custom Platform SDK
    • Summary
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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