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Название: Research anthology on mental health stigma, education, and treatment
Организация: Information Resources Management Association,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Psychotherapy — Research.; Psychiatry — Research.; Mental health services.; Mental illness — Treatment.; Mental health.; Health education.; Mental Disorders — therapy; Mental Health; Mental Health Services; Health Education; Social Stigma; Uncertainty; Psychothérapie — Recherche.; Psychiatrie — Recherche.; Services de santé mentale.; Maladies mentales — Traitement.; Santé mentale.; Éducation sanitaire.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1238133075

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Группа: Анонимные пользователи

Сеть: Интернет


"This book explores the latest research on the newest advancements in mental health, best practices and new research on treatment, and the need for education and awareness to mitigate the stigma that surrounds discussions on mental health by providing chapters that cover new technologies that are impacting delivery modes for treatment, the latest methods and models for treatment options, how education on mental health is being both delivered and developed, and how mental health is viewed and discussed when society is facing uncertainty and crisis"--.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Fundamental Concepts and Theories
    • Chapter 1: The History of Unreason
    • Chapter 2: Mental Health and Well-Being
    • Chapter 3: Neurobiology of Well-Being
    • Chapter 4: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    • Chapter 5: Technological Issues in Emotional and Mental Health
    • Chapter 6: Romantic Relationships, Online Dating, and Mental Health Issues
    • Chapter 7: Special Issue
    • Chapter 8: Muslim Worldviews
    • Chapter 9: Mental Health
  • Section 2: Development and Design Methodologies
    • Chapter 10: Paradigm Shifts in the Theory and Praxis of Mental Health Counseling
    • Chapter 11: Multi-Criteria Decision Making Semantic for Mental Healthcare
    • Chapter 12: mHealth as Tools for Development in Mental Health
    • Chapter 13: Kindness Makes a Difference
    • Chapter 14: Counseling Refugees
    • Chapter 15: “More Than Peer Support: Organizational and Relational Intervention Model”
    • Chapter 16: Attitude Training for Police Cadets
  • Section 3: Tools and Technologies
    • Chapter 17: Real-Time Mental Health Monitoring
    • Chapter 18: Appreciative Inquiry and Mental Health Improvement
    • Chapter 19: Digital Heath Interventions in Mental Health
    • Chapter 20: Mental Health Clinical Decision Support Exploiting Big Data
    • Chapter 21: Socialization or Social Isolation?
    • Chapter 22: Virtual Communities, Machine Learning and IoT
    • Chapter 23: Efficacy of Telemedicine in Psychiatry and Mental Health Nursing
    • Chapter 24: Social Media for Mental Health Initiatives
    • Chapter 25: Virtual Reality as a Tool for Mental Health and Conscious Living and Death
    • Chapter 26: Mental Health and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    • Chapter 27: The Role of AYUSH in Mental Well-Being
    • Chapter 28: Answering the Call for School-Based Mental Health
    • Chapter 29: The Mental Health Interpreter
    • Chapter 30: Narrative Therapy to Address Trauma for Emergency Medical Services and Firefighters
  • Section 4: Utilization and Applications
    • Chapter 31: Individual Funding for People With Mental Health Issues
    • Chapter 32: Interpreting and the Mental Status Exam
    • Chapter 33: Ageing and Mental Health
    • Chapter 34: The Social Mandate to Deal With Mental Health
    • Chapter 35: Mental Health Education and Literacy in Schools
    • Chapter 36: Campus-Wide Initiatives
    • Chapter 37: Activism and College Student Mental Health
    • Chapter 38: Interagency Collaboration to Improve School Outcomes for Students With Mental Health Challenges
    • Chapter 39: Providing Primary Prevention and School Mental Health Services to LGBTQ+ Children and Youth
    • Chapter 40: Inherent Requirements and Social Work Education
    • Chapter 41: Healing Together
    • Chapter 42: Healing Alex's Wound
    • Chapter 43: Culturally Responsive Practices
    • Chapter 44: Mental Health Challenges in Children With Intellectual Disabilities
    • Chapter 45: Mental Health Issues, Wellbeing, and Related Issues Among Caregivers of Individuals With Intellectual Disability
    • Chapter 46: Flying With Eddie
    • Chapter 47: Organizational Prevention and Intervention Services
    • Chapter 48: Application and Integration of Psychological First Aid in First Responder Organizations
    • Chapter 49: Media, Social Media, and the Securitization of Mental Health Problems in Nepal
  • Section 5: Organizational and Social Implications
    • Chapter 50: Barriers to Practitioners' Endorsement of a Recovery Perspective
    • Chapter 51: Fighting Stigma in the Community
    • Chapter 52: Reducing Stigma in Mental Health Through Digital Storytelling
    • Chapter 53: Health Literacy in School
    • Chapter 54: Understanding and Addressing the Stigma in Mental Health Within the Asian and Asian-American Culture
    • Chapter 55: Religious Coping Among Muslims With Mental and Medical Health Concerns
    • Chapter 56: Violence
    • Chapter 57: Finding Strength in the Struggle
    • Chapter 58: Advocating for the Mental Health Needs of Children Living in Rural Poverty
    • Chapter 59: Syrian Youth, War, and Community Approach to Stigma Surrounding Psychological Intervention
    • Chapter 60: Mental Health Access Issues by People of Refugee Backgrounds in Australia
    • Chapter 61: Facebook Depression or Facebook Contentment
    • Chapter 62: From Medical Student to Medical Resident
    • Chapter 63: Occupational Risk Factors and the Mental Health of Women Firefighters
  • Section 6: Critical Issues and Challenges
    • Chapter 64: Adolescent and Adult Mass Shooters
    • Chapter 65: EHealth Interventions for People Suffering From Sleep Problems and Depressive Symptoms
    • Chapter 66: Facebook, Social Comparison, and Subjective Well-Being
    • Chapter 67: Interpreting in Mental Health, Anything Special?
    • Chapter 68: Health and Mental Health
    • Chapter 69: Medical Students' Quest Towards the Long White Coat
    • Chapter 70: Deliberate Self-Harm and Suicide Ideology in Medical Students
  • Index

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