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Название: Handbook of research on applied intelligence for health and clinical informatics
Другие авторы: Thakare Anuradha; Wagh Sanjeev; Bhende Manisha; Anetr Ahmed; Gao Xiao-Zhi
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Medical informatics — Methods.; Medical Informatics — methods; Artificial Intelligence; Health Information Management — methods; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1240264829

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"This book focuses on the study of resources and methods for the management of healthcare infrastructure and information highlighting health and clinical data structure, behavior, and interactions of natural and engineered computational systems to helps researchers and practitioners learn further investigation and solutions"--.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: A Novel Approach of Lung Tumor Segmentation Using a 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Network
  • Chapter 2: An Intelligent Approach for Prediction of Life Style Conditions in Adolescent Girls by Analyzing Health Parameters
  • Chapter 3: Anxiety Detection Using Physiological Data and Wearable IoT Devices
  • Chapter 4: Applied Intelligence for Medical Diagnosing
  • Chapter 5: Applied Intelligence for Mental Health Detection
  • Chapter 6: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-Based Advanced Depression Detection System
  • Chapter 7: Automated ICD Coding Using Deep Learning
  • Chapter 8: Autonomous Smart Device for COVID-19 Detection Using Artificial Intelligence
  • Chapter 9: COVID-19 Data Forecasting and Spread Visualization Using ML
  • Chapter 10: Decision Support Proposal for Imbalanced Clinical Data
  • Chapter 11: Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Multiple Classifier Techniques in Machine Learning
  • Chapter 12: Face Detection With Face Mask for COVID-19 Pandemic Using Neural Networks
  • Chapter 13: Healthcare and Cyber Physical Systems
  • Chapter 14: Impact of Human Mobility Trends on the Outbreak of COVID-19 Across Different States of India
  • Chapter 15: M2UNet++
  • Chapter 16: Machine Learning-Aided Automatic Detection of Breast Cancer
  • Chapter 17: ML-Enabled Informed Intervention for Crowdsourcing-Based Optimization of Medical Resources
  • Chapter 18: Prediction and Recommendation System for Diabetes Using Machine Learning Models
  • Chapter 19: Telehealth System for Effective Treatment in COVID-19 Pandemics
  • Chapter 20: Telemedicine-Based Diabetic Care Powered With Artificial Intelligence
  • Chapter 21: Towards an Effective Imaging-Based Decision Support System for Skin Cancer
  • Chapter 22: Web-Based Machine Learning Application for Heart Disease Prediction
  • Chapter 23: Web-Based Modernized Architecture Over Cloud Computing for Facial Extraction and Recognition
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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