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Название: Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology distinguished monograph series. Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia
Другие авторы: Harrison Laura K.,; Bilgen A. Nejat,; Kapuci Asuman
Организация: University of Buffalo.. Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Excavations (Archaeology); Bronze age; Material culture — History.; Human settlements — History.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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  • Contents
  • Illustrations
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction The Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia
    • Chronology and Regional Survey
    • Architecture, Settlement, and Sociopolitical Organization
    • Material Culture
    • Conclusion
    • References Cited
  • Part I Chronology and Regional Survey
    • Chapter One Certain Issues of the Western Anatolian Early Bronze Age Awaiting Solutions
      • Issues Concerning Chronology and Dating
        • Determination of the Beginning of the Early Bronze Age
        • Determination of the Beginning of the Early Bronze Age III Period
        • Issues Concerning the Central Anatolian EBA Chronology
      • The Issues to be Solved in the Context of Cultural and Political Development of the Region
      • Terminology Problems
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Two Çivril Plain in the Transition Period from the Early Bronze Age to the Middle Bronze Age
      • Introduction
      • Beycesultan in the Process of Transition from the Early Bronze Age to the Middle Bronze Age
      • Çivril Plain Survey
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Three Survey of Kanlitaş Mound and Its Environs (Eskisehir/Inonu): The Settlements and Pottery of the Early Bronze Age
      • Introduction
      • The Settlements and Pottery of Early Bronze Age
      • Conclusion
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Four A Look at the Process of Transition from the Chalcolithic Age to the Early Bronze Age in Central Western Anatolia in Light of New Data
      • Introduction
      • The Late Chalcolithic Age
        • The Late Period of the Late Chalcolithic Age
        • Pottery of the Late Period
        • Bowls with Interior Thickened Rims
        • Carinated Bowls
        • Bowls with Plastic Lugs
        • Small Short‑Necked Jars
        • Lids
        • Beak‑Spouted Jugs
        • Tripod Vessels
        • White Painted Decoration
        • Pattern‑Burnished Decoration, Cheese‑Pots, and Horned Handles
        • Miscellaneous
      • Early Period of Early Bronze Age I
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Five Northwest Anatolian Influences on Early Bronze Age Cultures of Gökçeada (Imbros)‑Yenibademli Höyük
      • Introduction
      • Cultural Sequence of the Mound
      • Early Bronze Age II Culture
        • Pottery Industry
      • Evaluation and Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Six A New Contribution to the Western Anatolia Early Bronze Age Chronology: Volute Vessels
      • Introduction
      • Distribution Area and Chronology of the Volute Vessels
      • Conclusion
      • Acknowledgments
      • Note
      • References Cited
      • Catalogue
    • Chapter Seven Küllüoba Early Bronze Age III Pottery
      • Conclusion
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Eight The Figurine/Idol Types of Western Anatolia in the Early Bronze Age and Their Relationship with Cultural Regions
      • The Troy‑Yortan Cultural Region
      • The Bithynian Cultural Region
      • The Phyrigian Cultural Region
      • The Büyük Menderes–Upper Porsuk Cultural Region
      • The Lycian‑Pisidian Cultural Region
      • Western Anatolian Figurine/Idol Types, Their Development through the EBA, and Their Relations with the Cultural Regions
        • Transitional Period into the EBA
        • Early Bronze Age I
        • Early Bronze Age II
        • Early Bronze Age III
      • Conclusion
      • Note
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Nine Distribution and Characteristics of the Beycesultan Early Bronze Age I Pottery
      • Introduction
      • Chronology Problems in Relation with the Beycesultan EBA 1 Pottery
      • Characteristics and Chronology of the Beycesultan EBA1 Pottery
      • Suggestions of the Distribution Area of Beycesultan EBA1 Cultural Region
      • Notes
      • References Cited
  • Part II Architecture, Settlement, and Sociopolitical Organization
    • Chapter Ten Urbanism in the Western Anatolian Early Bronze Age
      • Criteria for Urbanism in Western Anatolia
        • Existence of a Ruling Class
        • Lower and Upper Town (Social Class Differences)
        • Storing of Surplus Product
        • Craftsmanship
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Eleven Seyitömer Mound during the Early Bronze Age
      • Layer I (Roman Period)
      • Layer II (Hellenistic Period)
      • Layer III (Achaemenid Period)
      • Layer IV (Middle Bronze Age)
      • Layer V (Early Bronze Age)
    • General Evaluatıon of the Early Bronze Age
    • References Cited
    • Chapter Twelve Power and Ritual Practice in the Early Bronze III Period at Seyitömer Höyük: An Integrative Analysis of Movement, Interaction, and Visual Perception
      • Introduction
      • Household and Community Rituals in the Early Bronze Age
      • The Central Megaron Complex at Seyitömer Höyük
        • Architecture and Construction Technique
      • An Integrative Approach to Understanding Ritual Space
        • Space Syntax Analysis and the Formality of Social Interaction
        • Isovist Viewsheds and Power Relations
      • Discussion: Movement, Interaction, and Visibility in a Ritual Context
      • Conclusion
      • Acknowledgments
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Thirteen On the Perceptions of Sacred Space during the Early Bronze Age: The Case of Beycesultan
      • Introduction
      • Early Bronze Age “Shrines” at Beycesultan Höyük
      • Beycesultan Höyük “Shrines” from a Different Point of View
      • The Oven and Bull Cult in Domestic Worship
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Fourteen Defense Systems Dated to the Early Bronze Age at Liman Tepe
      • Early Bronze Age I Defense System
        • Comparison and Evaluation
      • Early Bronze Age II Defense System
        • Comparison and Evaluation
      • Early Bronze Age IIIA Defense System
      • Note
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Fifteen Sociopolitical Organization and Territories in Western Anatolia during the Early Bronze Age
      • Introduction
      • Data Collection and Analysis
      • Distribution of Bronze Age Sites in Western Anatolia
      • Settlement Patterns and Settlement Hierarchies in Western Anatolia
      • Notes
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Sixteen Early Bronze Age Graves from Kubad Abad (Toprak Tol Höyük)
      • Distribution of the Ruins from the Prehistoric Period
        • Findings in Building VIII
        • Findings in the Courtyard of Küçük Palace
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Seventeen An Early Bronze Age Cemetery in the Caria Region: Kumyeri
      • Introduction
      • Kumyeri Cemetery
      • Art of Ceramic
      • Small Finds
      • Dating
      • Evaluation and Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References Cited
  • Part III Material Culture
    • Chapter Eighteen Textile Production and Fishing Technologies at Early Bronze Age I Çukuriçi Höyük
      • Introduction
      • Spindle Whorls of EBA 1 Çukuriçi Höyük
      • Analyzing the Spinning Process
      • Analyzing the Perforated Discs
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Nineteen A Preevaluation of Libation Vessels Discovered at Seyitömer Mound Early Bronze Age Layer III Sanctuaries
      • Libation Vessels
      • Double Plate
      • Beakers and Spouted Pitchers
      • A Spouted‑Pitcher‑Shaped Rython Carrying a Vessel
      • Human‑Faced Pitcher‑Shaped Rythons and Zoomorphic (Turtle?) Rythons
      • Evaluation
      • Notes
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Twenty Seyitömer Höyük Early Bronze Age III Platters
      • Introduction
      • Surface Properties
        • Orange‑Slipped Group
        • Brown‑Slipped Group
        • Reddish‑Brown‑Slipped Group
        • Light Brown–Slipped Group
        • Dark‑Brown‑Slipped Group
        • Red‑Slipped Group
        • Grey‑Slipped Group
        • Plain Group
      • Inclusions
      • Colors of Pastes
      • Typological Evaluation
        • Deep Platters
          • Everted Rimmed Deep Platters
          • Extroverted Rimmed Deep Platters
        • Shallow Platters
          • Everted Rimmed Shallow Platters
          • Extroverted Rimmed Shallow Platters
          • Flattened Rimmed Shallow Platters
      • Platter‑Making Techniques
      • Decorations
        • Incised Decoration
        • Red‑Washed Decoration
        • Relief Decoration
      • Conclusion
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Twenty-One A Group of Stamp Seals from the İzmir Archaeology Museum
      • Catalog
      • Discussion
      • Note
      • References Cited
    • Chapter Twenty-Two Acemhöyük Early Bronze Age Pottery
      • Introduction
      • Acemhöyük Early Bronze Age Stratigraphy and Pottery
      • Acemhöyük Early Bronze Age II Pottery
      • Acemhöyük Early Bronze Age IIIA Pottery
      • Concluding Remarks
      • Acknowledgments
      • Notes
      • References Cited
  • Contributors
  • Index

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