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Название: A new American labor movement: the decline of collective bargaining and the rise of direct action
Авторы: Scheuerman William E.,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Labor movement — History; Direct action — History; Action directe — Histoire; Direct action.; Labor movement.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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Describes how new kinds of direct-action labor movements are emerging to reshape American labor activism in the twenty-first century.

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  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 Why Unions Matter
    • Unions and the Middle Class
    • Corporations Grow, Unions Shrink
  • Chapter 2 The Long Slide
    • Labor and the Postwar Economy
    • The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: Won’t It Be Grand
    • War on Unions: The Disappearing Middle Class
    • The Union Implosion
  • Chapter 3 Farmworkers Fight Back
    • Racism Drives Progressive Reform: Compromises Cripple Farmworkers
    • Immokalee Farmworkers: Community-Based Power Fights Back
    • New York’s Farmworkers Try To Unionize
  • Chapter 4 Worker Centers in Focus
    • Worker Centers: Labor’s Hope or a Passing Phase?
    • California’s Gig Workers Struggle to Get Real Jobs
    • The False Promises of Virtual Gig Work
    • Drivers Turn to the Courts
    • From the Courts to the Streets
    • After AB5: What’s Next?
  • Chapter 5 Freelancers Union: Backward to the Future?
    • What Is The Freelancers Union?
    • The New Mutualism and Its Historical Roots
    • The Makeover Takes Off
    • What Workers in the Creative Economy Want
    • The New Mutualism in Action: Insurance for Freelancers
    • Freelancers Union: A Rising Political Force?
    • Providing Information and Building Community
    • So What?
  • Chapter 6 Taking to the Streets
    • Can’t Lose What You Never Had
    • To the Streets!
    • The Other NRA
    • Making Progress
    • Are the Gains Sustainable?
  • Chapter 7 All Roads Lead to … Sectoral Bargaining?
    • A New Movement Brings Old Answers
    • The Roots of the Direct Action Movements
    • The Bumpy Road to Sectoral Bargaining
    • A Viable New Partnership?
    • What Is to be Done?
  • Notes
  • Index

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