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Название: Communication instruction in the Generation Z classroom: educational explorations
Другие авторы: Robinson Renee
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Communication — Study and teaching (Higher; Communication in education.; Generation Z — Education (Higher; College students — Attitudes.; College teaching — Methodology.; Effective teaching.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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"Communication Instruction in the Generation Z Classroom outlines communication and pedagogical strategies that aid teachers across disciplines and levels in engaging with Generation Z students"--.

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  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • List of Figures and Tables
  • List of Figures and Tables
    • Figures
    • Tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • Text Conceptualization
    • References
  • Chapter 2: Motivation and Learning: Need-Supportive Teaching Style to Engage Gen Z
    • Introduction
    • Motivation and Education: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
    • Instructional Design Strategies to Support Generation Z
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 3: Acknowledging the Needs of Gen Z: Opening Spaces for Connection and Care
    • Recognizing the Space
    • The Crisis Space
    • The Natural-Forced Space
    • Listening Space
    • Uncomfortable Space
    • Extraordinary and Extraordinary Space
    • Appendices
    • References
  • Chapter 4: A Bridge for Communication: Negotiating Intergenerational Listening Expectations in Face-to-Face Interactions and Digital Platforms
    • Intergenerational Listening and Technology
    • Study Procedure
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • 15 Intergenerational Listening Tips
    • References
  • Chapter 5: Listening Research Shows How Gen Z and Faculty Can Co-Create Engaging Learning Environments
    • Today’s College Student: Generation Z
    • Technology’s Influence on Listening in Higher Education
    • Pedagogy to Co-Create Engaging and Effective Learning Environments
    • The Role of Listening in Co-Creating an Effective Academic Community
    • Before the Semester or Term Begins
    • During Class
    • After Class
    • References
  • Chapter 6: Teaching Digital Natives Where They Live: Generation Z and Online Learning
    • Introduction
    • Overviewing Gen Z Learning Preferences
    • Applications to Effective Online Instruction
    • Recommendations for University Administration
    • References
  • Chapter 7: The Applied Case Study as a Pedagogical Tool for Educating Today’s Generation Z Student Population
    • Introduction
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 8: When Learning Is Play: Using Video Games to Educate Gen Z in the Classroom
    • Games in the Gen Z Classroom
    • Creating and Using Games
    • Tips and Best Practices
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 9: Getting Outside of the Norm: Adopting Outdoor Adventure Education Pedagogy to Engage Generation Z
    • (Re)Thinking Assumptions about Digital Natives
    • (Re)Introducing Soft Skills to Higher Learning
    • Team-Building through Outdoor Adventure Education with TLT Design
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 10: Engaging Generation Z with Communication’s Civic Commitments
    • Generation Z and Twenty-First Century Challenges
    • Critical Communication Pedagogy
    • Student Voices Illuminate Civic Promise
    • Community Literacy
    • Discourses of Organizing
    • Forging Cooperative Excellence
    • Joining Others in Resistance and Dissent
    • New Literacies
    • Becoming Informed Amid Chaos and Confusion
    • Engaging with Debates in Polarized Contexts
    • Using Digital Media to Foster Activism
    • Adapting and Connecting the Curriculum to Focus on Justice
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Introduction
  • Index

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