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Название: Social imaginaries. Debating imaginal politics: dialogues with Chiara Bottici
Другие авторы: Adams Suzi; Smith Jeremy
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Political science — Philosophy.; Imagination — Political aspects.; Imagery (Psychology) — Political aspects.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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"A critical appraisal of Chiara Bottici's influential work on imaginal politics, this collection uses this rich theoretical framework for incisive analysis, within critical theory and political philosophy, psychoanalysis and sociology"--.

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  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Series Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Editorial Introduction
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 1: The Imaginal of Moral Freedom: On Chiara Bottici and Drucilla Cornell1
    • The Slave Ship and the Freedom We Do Not, and Cannot, See
    • Imaginal Politics and the Radical Imaginary
    • The PoIeses of Freedom or Freedom as a Work of Art (Freiheit als Kuntswerk)
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 2: Rethinking the Imaginal
    • Can Genealogy Become Critique?
    • A Faculty of Imagination or a Context of Interpretation?
    • From the Self to the Social Imaginary
    • The Imaginal: A New Perspective
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 3: Revisiting Imaginal Politics: From Totalitarianism to Post-truth Democracies
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 4: The Ontography of Images: On the Legal Art of the Imaginal
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 5: Bottici to the Letter
    • Lacan and Imaginal Politics
    • The Letter as Imaginal
    • Leviathan
    • Sick
    • References
  • Chapter 6: Traversing Lacan’s Imaginary with Bottici’s Imaginal
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 7: Islamic Politics of Imagination: The Case of the Muslim Brotherhood
    • The Imaginal, Modernity, and Multiple Modernities
    • The Search for Order under Colonialism
    • Islamic Reform and Modern Islamic Imaginaries
    • Hasan al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood as a Case of Islamic Politics of Imagination
    • Conclusions
    • Notes
  • Chapter 8: Civilizations in History and Myth: Considerations on the Imaginary and the Imaginal
    • Introduction
    • Myth, the Imaginal and Intercivilizational Engagement
    • Globalization and Multiple Constellations
    • Globalization and Plurality
    • Conclusion
    • Notes
    • References
  • Chapter 9: Debating Imaginal Politics: A Response
    • Notes
    • References
  • Acknowledgements
  • Index
  • About the Editors and Contributors

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