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Название: The presidential elections of Trump and Bolsonaro, whiteness, and the nation
Авторы: Penha-Lopes Vânia
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Presidents — Cross-cultural studies. — Election; White nationalism — History.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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"The Presidential Elections of Trump and Bolsonaro, Whiteness, and the Nation is a sociological analysis of the similarities between the elections of Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, based on biographies, academic sources, newspaper, television, and internet reports published in the United States and Brazil between 2014 and 2021"--.

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  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
    • Whiteness, White Privilege, and White Supremacy
    • Theoretical Considerations on the Idea of Nation
    • Social Media, Fake News, and Presidential Elections
    • Organization of the Book
    • Notes
  • Chapter 1: Whiteness and the Idea of Nation in the United States
    • “We the People”: Whiteness and the Foundation of the United States
    • “Go West, Young Man!”: Whiteness as Justification for National Expansion
    • The “Peculiar Institution”: Slavery, Emancipation, and Whiteness
    • The Great Immigration: When Europeans Were Not White
    • World War II and the Remaking of Whiteness
    • “To Secure These Rights”: Whiteness and the Quest for Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century
    • Becoming “Honorary Whites”: Asian Americans and White Latinos
    • Whiteness: From Post-Racial to White Nationalism
    • Notes
  • Chapter 2: Whiteness and the Idea of Nation in Brazil
    • Terra Brasilis: European Colonialism and the Making of Brazil
    • The Inconfidentes: Race and Independence Aspirations
    • An Empire Is Born: Brazilian Independence
    • The Republic of the United States of Brazil and the Race Question
    • The Vargas Era and the Race Question (1930–1945)
    • Populism and Race (1945–1964)
    • The Military Dictatorship and Race (1964–1985)
    • The New Republic and Race (1985 to Present)
    • Notes
  • Chapter 3: “Make America Great Again”: Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign
    • An Unconventional Candidate
    • A Candidate Is Born: Trump’s Presidential Campaign
    • “Savior”
    • Racial Tension
    • Misogyny
    • The Evangelical Connection
    • Jews and Israel
    • Notes
  • Chapter 4: Donald Trump’s Presidential Victory
    • The Electoral College and Election Results
    • Characteristics of Trump Voters
    • Unraveling the White Vote: Racial Resentment, Region, and Authoritarianism
    • The Inauguration
    • Against Misogyny: The Women’s March
  • Chapter 5: “Make Brazil Great Again”: Jair Bolsonaro’s Presidential Campaign
    • Before the “Myth”: Bolsonaro’s Insertion into Politics
    • Seeds of Discontent: Urban Unrest and a Turn to the Far Right
    • Impeachment
    • Bolsonaro’s Presidential Campaign
    • A Homophobic Stance
    • Misogyny
    • Racism
    • The Evangelical Connection
    • Jews and Israel
    • “A Stabbed Politician Is either Killed or Elected”
    • Notes
  • Chapter 6: “Brazil above All and God above Everything”: Jair Bolsonaro’s Presidential Victory
    • Presidential Elections, Brazilian Style
    • The Final Stretch
    • Election Results
    • Characteristics of Bolsonaro Voters
    • The Inauguration
    • Notes
  • Conclusion
    • Turnover in the Trump and Bolsonaro Governments
    • Summing Up
    • Note
  • Afterword
  • References
  • Index
  • About the Author

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