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Название: Health program planning, implementation, and evaluation: creating behavioral, environmental, and policy change
Другие авторы: Green Lawrence W.,; Gielen (Andrea Carlson),; Ottoson Judith M.,; Peterson Darleen V.,; Kreuter Marshall W.,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Community health services — Administration.; Health promotion.; Medical policy.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1287076369

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"This textbook covers program planning and evaluation for public health. Population health planning should begin with an assessment of the social needs and quality of life concerns of the community and then systematically identify the epidemiology of health problems and their behavioral and environmental determinants"--.

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  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • About the Editors
  • Contributors
  • Part I. Hallmarks of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model
    • Chapter 1 A Model for Population Health Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
    • Chapter 2 Participation and Community Engagement in Planning
  • Part II. PRECEDE-PROCEED Phases: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
    • Chapter 3 Social Assessment: Quality of Life
    • Chapter 4 Epidemiological Assessment I: Population Health
    • Chapter 5 Epidemiological Assessment II: Behavioral and Environmental Factors
    • Chapter 6 Educational and Ecological Assessment: Predisposing, Enabling, and Reinforcing Factors
    • Chapter 7 Health Program and Policy Development I: Intervention Strategies
    • Chapter 8 Health Program and Policy Development II: Implementation Strategies
    • Chapter 9 Health Program and Policy Development III: Evaluation Strategies
  • Part III. Applications of PRECEDE-PROCEED in Specific Settings: Introduction to PRECEDE-PROCEED Applications
    • Chapter 10 Applications in Community Settings
    • Chapter 11 Applications in Occupational Settings
    • Chapter 12 Applications in School Settings
    • Chapter 13 Applications in Health Care Settings
    • Chapter 14 Applications in Communication Technology
  • Appendixes
    • A. Frequently Asked Questions
    • B. Public Health Competencies by Chapter
    • C. The Evaluation Standards: A Checklist
    • D. CDC Evaluation Framework Steps and PRECEDE-PROCEED Phases
    • E. Commonly Used Evaluation Designs
  • Glossary
  • Index
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J
    • K
    • L
    • M
    • N
    • O
    • P
    • Q
    • R
    • S
    • T
    • U
    • V
    • W

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