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Название: SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture. A philosophical defense of culture: perspectives from Confucianism and Cassirer
Авторы: Xiang Shuchen
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Philosophy, Confucian.; Culture — Philosophy.; Symbolic interactionism.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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Draws on two different but strikingly similar streams in our world tradition to argue for the contemporary philosophical relevance of ""culture."".

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  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
    • Historical Reconstruction of Wen
    • The Contemporary Relevance of Cassirer and Confucianism
    • Existing Literature on Wen
    • Outline of Chapters
  • 1 Humanism and Language: Cassirer and the Xici (系辞)
    • Xici: Humanism and Language (Wen 文)
    • Cassirer: Humanism and Language/Symbol-making
    • Naive Realism versus Symbolic Idealism
    • Six Characteristic Corollaries of Naive Realism
    • From Substance to Function
    • Cassirer’s Account of Functionalism
    • The Six Characteristics in History
    • Holism and Structuralism: Points 1, 2, 3, and 4
    • Language and Freedom: Points 5 and 6
    • Cassirer’s Linguistic Turn
    • Nature, Organism, and Ziran (自然)
  • 2 Li Xiang Yi Jin Yi (立象以尽意): Giving (Symbolic) Form to Phenomena
    • Xiang (象) in the Xici
    • Symbols and Reality
    • Xici 2.2
    • Symbolic Pregnancy
    • Symbolic Pregnancy and Xici 2.2
    • Tian Ren He Yi (天人合一) and Symbolic Idealism
    • Symbolic Idealism and the Zhongyong (中庸)
    • The Universal and the Particular
    • Goethe’s Archetypal Phenomena (Urphänomene)
    • Language: The Concrete Universal
    • The Linguistic Turn of the Xici
  • 3 Shi Yan Zhi (诗言志): Giving (Poetic) Form to Qing (情)
    • Knowing Others: Shi Yan Zhi (诗言志)
    • Aesthetic Forms and Morality
    • Giving Form to Emotions
    • Yijing (意境): The Benevolent Continuity of Man and Nature
    • The Aesthetic Education of Man
    • Conclusion
  • 4 Wen Yi Zai Dao (文以载道): Giving (Linguistic) Form to Dao
    • The Philosophical Significance of Wen
    • Wen (文), Li (理), and Xiang (象)
    • The Canonization of Wen as the Trigrams
    • The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons (文心雕龙) and “The Origins of Wen” (文原)
    • The Boundedness of Spirit and Form
  • 5 Zhi You Wen Ye (质犹文也): Giving (Human) Form to the Self
    • Wen in the Analects
    • Freedom and Form
    • Ancient Wen Graphs
    • Wen, Bildung, and the Aesthetic Education of Man
    • Cassirer’s Aesthetic Individual
    • In Defense of Culture
  • 6 Wu Yi Wu Wen (物一无文): Organic Harmony
    • Cassirer and “Harmony in Contrariety” between the Symbolic Forms
    • The Dogma of Substance versus (Critical Idealist) Unity as Function
    • Leibniz and Organism
    • Cassirer’s Interpretation of Goethe’s Idealistic Morphology
    • Humboldt and Language
    • Herder and History
    • Needham, Whitehead, and Correlative Cosmology
    • Organicist Thinking in Confucianism
    • The Continuation of Life
    • Harmony and Mutual Responsiveness (ganying 感应)
    • Symbolic Forms for a New Humanity
    • Organic Harmony as an Ethics in Cassirer’s Oeuvre
    • Culture and Harmony
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix 1 Definitions of Wen
  • Appendix 2 A Brief History of Wen
  • Appendix 3 Partial Translation of Song Lian’s “The Origins of Wen” (Wenyuan 文原)
  • Glossary
  • Notes
  • Works Cited
  • Index

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