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Выходные сведения: [S.l.]: PACKT PUBLISHING, 2022
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Accounting — Computer programs.; Small business — Accounting — Computer programs.; Small business — Finance — Computer programs.; Petites et moyennes entreprises — Comptabilité — Logiciels.; Petites et moyennes entreprises — Finances — Logiciels.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1294317237

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  • Cover
  • Copyright
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
    • Section 1: Setting Up Your Company File
  • Section 1: Setting Up Your Company File
  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with QuickBooks Online
    • What is QuickBooks?
    • Exploring QuickBooks Online editions
    • Choosing the right QuickBooks Online edition
      • QBO Simple Start
      • QBO Essentials
      • QBO Plus
      • QBO Advanced
    • Creating a QuickBooks Online account
    • Navigating in QuickBooks Online
      • QuickBooks Online dashboard and left navigation bar
      • QuickBooks Online icons
      • QuickBooks Online menus
    • Small business bookkeeping 101
      • Recording sales
      • Recording expenses
      • Recording inventory and fixed asset purchases
      • Recording liabilities
      • Understanding the chart of accounts
      • Choosing an accounting method
      • Understanding how double-entry bookkeeping works
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: QuickBooks Online Advanced
    • Accessing the QBO Advanced test drive account
    • Setting up customized fields
    • Managing customized user permissions
    • Using workflow automation
    • Importing invoices and budgets into QuickBooks Online
      • Importing budgets into QuickBooks Online
    • Batch-creating invoices in QuickBooks Online
    • Smart Invoicing
    • Reclassify transactions
    • Custom reminders
    • DocuSign integration
    • Using online backup and restore
    • Utilizing the performance center and custom charts
    • Fathom reporting app
    • Priority Circle membership
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Company File Setup
    • Key information and documents required to complete the company file setup in QuickBooks Online
    • Setting up company preferences in QuickBooks Online
      • Company settings
      • Billing & Subscription settings
      • Usage settings
      • Sales settings
      • Expenses settings
      • Payment settings
      • Advanced settings
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Migrating to QuickBooks Online
    • Questions to ask yourself in preparation for data conversion
    • Choosing your QuickBooks start date
    • Converting from another accounting software or Excel to QBO
      • Recording details of historical data in QBO
      • Importing data into QBO
      • Recording a summary journal entry of historical data in QBO
    • Reasons not to convert from QuickBooks Desktop to QBO
      • Functionality not available in QBO
      • QuickBooks Desktop data that will not convert to QBO
    • Converting QuickBooks Desktop data to QBO
      • Checking the target count
      • Creating a QBO account
      • Backing up your QuickBooks Desktop file
      • Checking for updates
      • Running the QuickBooks Desktop conversion to QuickBooks Online tool
      • Logging in to QBO
      • Verifying that all of your data was converted
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Customizing QuickBooks for Your Business
    • Customizing the chart of accounts list
      • Adding a new account to the chart of accounts list
      • Importing a chart of accounts list
      • Editing accounts on the chart of accounts list
      • Inactivating an account on the chart of accounts list
      • Reactivating an account on the chart of accounts list
      • Merging accounts in QuickBooks Online
    • Connecting bank accounts to QuickBooks Online
      • Importing banking transactions automatically
      • Uploading banking transactions from an Excel CSV file
    • Connecting credit card accounts to QuickBooks Online
      • Importing credit card transactions automatically
      • Uploading credit card transactions from an Excel CSV file
    • Giving other users access to your QuickBooks data
      • Standard user
      • Company administrator
      • Reports-only user
      • Time tracking user
      • Accountant user 
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Managing Customer, Vendor, and Products and Services Lists
    • Managing customer lists in QuickBooks Online
      • Manually adding customers in QuickBooks Online
      • Importing customers into QuickBooks Online
      • Making changes to existing customers in QuickBooks Online
      • Inactivating customers in QuickBooks Online
      • Merging customers in QuickBooks Online
    • Managing vendor lists in QuickBooks Online
      • Manually adding vendors in QuickBooks Online
      • Importing vendors into QuickBooks Online
      • Making changes to existing vendors in QuickBooks Online
      • Inactivating vendors in QuickBooks Online
      • Merging vendors in QuickBooks Online
    • Managing products and services lists in QuickBooks Online
      • Manually adding products and services in QuickBooks Online
      • Importing products and services in QuickBooks Online
      • Making changes to existing products and services in QuickBooks Online
      • Inactivating products and services in QuickBooks Online
      • Merging products and services in QuickBooks Online
    • Summary
    • Section 2: Recording Transactions in QuickBooks Online
  • Section 2: Recording Transactions in QuickBooks Online
  • Chapter 7: Managing Sales Tax
    • Setting up sales tax in QuickBooks Online
    • Creating an invoice that includes sales tax
    • Sales tax reports
    • Paying sales tax when it comes due
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Recording Sales Transactions in QuickBooks Online
    • Understanding sales forms
      • Recording income using a sales receipt
      • Recording income using a deposit
      • Recording income using a sales invoice
    • Recording customer payments
    • Recording payments to the undeposited funds account
    • Issuing credit memos and refunds to customers
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Recording Expenses in QuickBooks Online
    • Entering and paying bills
      • Entering bills into QuickBooks Online
      • Entering vendor credits into QuickBooks Online
      • Paying bills in QuickBooks Online
    • Managing recurring expenses
    • Writing checks
    • Printing checks
    • Editing, voiding, and deleting expenses
    • Capturing and categorizing receipts and bills
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Reconciling Downloaded Bank and Credit Card Transactions
    • Overview of the Banking Center
    • Matching transactions
    • Editing banking transactions
    • Understanding bank rules
      • How do you want to apply this rule?
    • Reconciling accounts
    • Summary
    • Section 3: Generating Reports in QuickBooks Online
  • Section 3: Generating Reports in QuickBooks Online
  • Chapter 11: Report Center Overview
    • Navigating the report center
    • Reports available in the report center
    • Customizing reports
      • General report customizations
      • Row and column report customization
      • Using filters to customize reports
      • Header and footer report customization
      • Saving a customized report
    • Exporting reports
      • Exporting reports to Excel
      • Exporting reports to PDF
    • Sending reports via email
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Business Overview Reports
    • Understanding profit and loss statements
    • Generating balance sheet reports
    • Understanding the statement of cash flows
    • Creating a budget
    • Using the Cash Flow planner
    • Generating the Audit Log report
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Customer Sales Reports in QuickBooks Online
    • Generating an accounts receivable aging report
    • Generating an open invoices report
    • Generating a sales by client report
    • Generating a sales by product/service report
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14: Vendor and Expenses Reports
    • Generating an accounts payable (A/P) aging report
    • Generating an unpaid bills report
    • Generating an expenses by vendor summary report
    • Generating a bill payments report
    • Summary
    • Section 4: Managing Employees and Contractors
  • Section 4: Managing Employees and Contractors
  • Chapter 15: Managing Payroll in QuickBooks Online
    • Setting up payroll
      • Payroll setup checklist and key documents
      • Setting up payroll in QBO
    • Running payroll
    • Generating payroll reports
    • Filing payroll tax forms and payments
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16: Managing 1099 Contractors in QuickBooks Online
    • Setting up 1099 contractors
    • Tracking and paying 1099 contractors
    • 1099 year-end reporting
    • Summary
    • Section 5: Closing the Books and Handling Special Transactions
  • Section 5: Closing the Books and Handling Special Transactions
  • Chapter 17: Closing the Books in QuickBooks Online
    • Reviewing a checklist for closing your books
      • Reconciling all bank and credit card accounts
      • Making year-end accrual adjustments
      • Reviewing new fixed asset purchases and adding them to the chart of accounts
      • Making depreciation journal entries 
      • Taking physical inventory and reconciling this with your books
      • Adjusting retained earnings for owner/partner distributions
        • Recording journal entries
      • Setting a closing date and password
    • Preparing key financial reports
    • Giving your accountant access to your data
    • Summary
  • Chapter 18: Handling Special Transactions in QuickBooks Online
    • Using apps in QuickBooks Online
      • Overview of the QuickBooks App Center
      • Finding apps for your business
    • Managing credit card payments
    • Customizing sales templates
    • Setting up business loans and lines of credit
      • Adding a business loan or line of credit to the chart of accounts
      • Making payments on a loan or line of credit
    • Managing petty cash
      • Adding a petty cash account in QuickBooks
      • Recording petty cash transactions
      • Replenishing petty cash
      • Reconciling petty cash
    • Recording bad debt expense
      • Creating a bad debt item
      • Creating a credit memo
      • Applying a credit memo to an outstanding customer invoice
    • Tracking delayed charges and credits
    • Summary
    • Appendix
  • Appendix
  • Shortcuts and Test Drive
    • QuickBooks Online keyboard shortcuts
    • QuickBooks Online test drive
    • Discount on a QuickBooks Online account
  • QuickBooks Certified User Exam Objectives
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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