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Название: Truth and politics: toward a post-secular community
Авторы: Dallmayr Fred R.
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Political science — Philosophy.; Postsecularism.; Individualism.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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"Endorses the pursuit of paradigm shifts in our understandings of faith, truth, and nature to remedy the "underside" of modernity and thus to inaugurate a post-modern (but not anti-modern) and post-secular (but not anti-secular) view of the world"--.

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  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • 1 Introduction: Emerging from Multiple Rifts
  • 2 Post-Secularity and (Global) Politics: A Need for Redefinition
    • Secularity versus Faith
    • Religion and Ordinary Language
    • Post-Secularity and Politics
  • 3 Post-Secular Faith: Toward a Religion of Service
    • Varieties of Religious Experience
    • Toward a Religion of Service
    • Multiple Faiths in a Shared World
  • 4 Beyond Secular Modernity: Reflections on Taylor and Panikkar
    • A Secular Age
    • The Rhythm of Being
    • Concluding Comments
  • 5 “Man against the State”: Self-Interest and Civil Resistance
    • Herbert Spencer and Social Darwinism
    • Civil Disobedience and Dissent
    • Dissent in Community
  • 6 Neo-Liberalism and Its Critics: Voices from East and West
    • Minimal or Neo-Liberal Democracy
    • Beyond Minimalism: Voices from South Asia
    • Beyond Minimalism: Voices from East Asia
    • Concluding Remarks
  • 7 Individualized Life: The Plight of Narcissism
    • Individualized Society
    • Regimes of Narcissism, Regimes of Despair
    • Pandemic, World Alienation, and Vita Activa
  • 8 Holism and Particularism: Panikkar on Human Rights
    • Is “Human Rights” a Western Concept?
    • Rights and Right(ness)
  • 9 Falling Upward Communally: A Tribute to Richard Rohr
    • The Universal Christ
    • The Divine Dance
    • Falling Upward
  • Concluding Remarks
  • Notes
  • Index

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