Детальная информация

Название How to design programs: an introduction to programming and computing
Авторы Felleisen Matthias; Findler Robert Bruce; Flatt Matthew; Krishnamurthi Shriram
Организация IEEE Xplore (Online Service); MIT Press
Выходные сведения Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England: MIT Press, 2002
Коллекция Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика Вычислительные машины электронные персональные — Программирование; Информация — Обработка - Автоматизация; MIT Press eBooks Library
УДК 004.42
Тип документа Другой
Тип файла Другой
Язык Английский
Права доступа Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать)
Ключ записи 6267257
Дата создания записи 28.12.2015

Разрешенные действия


This introduction to programming places computer science in the core of a liberal arts education. Unlike other introductory books, it focuses on the program design process. This approach fosters a variety of skills--critical reading, analytical thinking, creative synthesis, and attention to detail--that are important for everyone, not just future computer programmers.The book exposes readers to two fundamentally new ideas. First, it presents program design guidelines that show the reader how to analyze a problem statement; how to formulate concise goals; how to make up examples; how to develop an outline of the solution, based on the analysis; how to finish the program; and how to test. Each step produces a well-defined intermediate product. Second, the book comes with a novel programming environment, the first one explicitly designed for beginners. The environment grows with the readers as they master the material in the book until it supports a full-fledged language for the whole spectrum of programming tasks.All the book's support materials are available for free on the Web. The Web site includes the environment, teacher guides, exercises for all levels, solutions, and additional projects.

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