Детальная информация

Название Electron-stream interaction with plasmas
Авторы Briggs Richard J.
Организация IEEE Xplore (Online Service); MIT Press
Выходные сведения Cambridge: MIT Press, 1964
Коллекция Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика Plasma (Ionized gases); Electrons; Элементарные частицы — Взаимодействие с плазмой; MIT Press eBooks Library
УДК 539.121.7:533.9
Тип документа Другой
Тип файла Другой
Язык Английский
Права доступа Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать)
Ключ записи 6276872
Дата создания записи 24.12.2015

Разрешенные действия


This study considers the instabilities that result when an electron beam is injected into a plasma. A number of different models of the system are considered, and all instabilities are classified according to whether they are convective instabilities (amplifying waves) or nonconvective (absolute) instabilities. The study also analyzes the instabilities in unbounded beam-plasma systems and in systems of finite extent transverse to the electron stream and gives a detailed consideration of the possibility of a strong interaction with the ions in a hot-electron plasma. In addition, the author presents mathematical criteria for identifying absolute instabilities and amplifying waves. These criteria are based only on an analysis of the dispersion equation of the system and are not restricted to beam-plasma systems.Two things need to be said about this book: the chapter on absolute and convective instabilities makes an important contribution to the field. Second, it should be pointed out that the theoretical results are reduced to a form which make them readily available to an experimentalist. Plasma physicists and electronic engineers will be interested in this work.

Количество обращений: 63 
За последние 30 дней: 3

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