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Название: Species and speciation in the fossil record
Другие авторы: Allmon Warren D.,; Yacobucci Margaret M.
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Evolutionary paleobiology.; Fossils.; Evolution (Biology); SCIENCE — Life Sciences — Evolution.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: ocn957998297

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  • Contents
  • Introduction: Taking Fossil Species Seriously / W. D. Allmon and M. M. Yacobucci
  • Chapter 1. The “Species Concept” and the Beginnings of Paleobiology / D. Sepkoski
  • Chapter 2. The Species Problem: Concepts, Conflicts, and Patterns Preserved in the Fossil Record / W. Miller III
  • Chapter 3. Studying Species in the Fossil Record: A Review and Recommendations for a More Unified Approach / W. D. Allmon
  • Chapter 4. The Stages of Speciation: A Stepwise Framework for Analysis of Speciation in the Fossil Record / W. D. Allmon and S. D. Sampson
  • Chapter 5. Morphology and Molecules: An Integrated Comparison of Phenotypic and Genetic Rates of Evolution / S. J. Hageman
  • Chapter 6. Fitting Ancestral Age-Dependent Speciation Models to Fossil Data / L. H. Liow and T. Ergon
  • Chapter 7. Contrasting Patterns of Speciation in Reef Corals and Their Relationship to Population Connectivity / A. F. Budd and J. M. Pandolfi
  • Chapter 8. Towards a Model for Speciation in Ammonoids / M. M. Yacobucci
  • Chapter 9. Species of Decapoda (Crustacea) in the Fossil Record: Patterns, Problems, and Progress / C. E. Schweitzer and R. M. Feldmann
  • Chapter 10. Fossil Species as Data: A Perspective from Echinoderms / W. I. Ausich
  • Chapter 11. Species and the Fossil Record of Fishes / W. E. Bemis
  • Chapter 12. The Impact of Invasive Species on Speciation: Lessons from the Fossil Record / A. L. Stigall
  • Chapter 13. Fossil Species Lineages and Their Defining Traits: Taxonomic “Usefulness” and Evolutionary Modes / M. J. Hopkins and S. Lidgard
  • Chapter 14. Geographic Clines, Chronoclines, and the Fossil Record: Implications for Speciation Theory / D. R. Prothero, V. J. Syverson, K. R. Raymond, M. Madan, S. Molina, A. Fragomeni, S. DeSantis, A. Sutyagina, and G. L. Gage
  • List of Contributors
  • Index

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