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Название: Critical explorations. Consumer-driven technologies in healthcare: breakthroughs in research and practice
Организация: Information Resources Management Association,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Medical care — Technological innovations.; Medical informatics.; Health promotion.; Patient participation.; Biomedical engineering.; Medical care.; Biomedical Technology; Delivery of Health Care; Consumer Health Information; Medical Informatics Applications; Patient Participation; Health Promotion; Médecine — Informatique.; Promotion de la santé.; Participation des patients.; Génie biomédical.; Prestation de soins.; HEALTH & FITNESS — Holism.; HEALTH & FITNESS — Reference.; MEDICAL — Alternative Medicine.; MEDICAL — Atlases.; MEDICAL — Essays.; MEDICAL — Family & General Practice.; MEDICAL — Holistic Medicine.; MEDICAL — Osteopathy.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1039079200

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Группа: Анонимные пользователи

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"This book is a critical source of academic knowledge on the use of smartphones and other technological devices for cancer therapy, fitness and wellness, chronic disease monitoring, and other areas. The tracking of these items using technology has allowed consumers to take control of their own healthcare"--Provided by publisher.

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  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Accessibility and Mobility
    • Chapter 1: Mobile Health Care
    • Chapter 2: Mobile Health Systems and Electronic Health Record
    • Chapter 3: Big Data and mHealth
    • Chapter 4: mHealth in Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Programs around the World
    • Chapter 5: The Use of Smart Card Technology in Health Care
    • Chapter 6: Patient Accessible EHR is Controversial
    • Chapter 7: Promoting Better Healthcare for Patients in Critical Condition
  • Section 2: Patient Engagement
    • Chapter 8: Strategic Healthcare Service Management
    • Chapter 9: Telemedicine and Telehealth
    • Chapter 10: Modelling Factors Affecting Patient-Doctor-Computer Communication in Primary Care
    • Chapter 11: Ethical Challenges in Online Health Games
    • Chapter 12: Personal Health Systems for Diabetes Management, Early Diagnosis and Prevention
  • Section 3: Privacy and Security
    • Chapter 13: Secure Storage and Transmission of Healthcare Records
    • Chapter 14: An Intelligent and Secure Framework for Wireless Information Technology in Healthcare for User and Data Classification in Hospitals
    • Chapter 15: The Development of a Secure Hospital Messaging and Communication Platform
    • Chapter 16: Hadoop Map Only Job for Enciphering Patient-Generated Health Data
  • Section 4: Surveys and Case Studies
    • Chapter 17: Users' Satisfaction With the Electronic Health Record (EHR) in the Kingdom of Bahrain
    • Chapter 18: Web Healthcare Applications in Poland
    • Chapter 19: A Survey on Prediction Using Big Data Analytics
    • Chapter 20: Translating Technology in Professional Practices to Optimize Infection Prevention and Control
    • Chapter 21: Why Do People Resist Patient Portal Systems?
    • Chapter 22: User Behavioral Intention Toward Using Mobile Healthcare System
    • Chapter 23: A Survey of Using Microsoft Kinect in Healthcare
  • Index

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