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Название: Brain mapping: indications and techniques
Другие авторы: Quiñones-Hinojosa Alfredo; Chaichana Kaisorn; Mahato Deependra
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Brain — Diseases — Surgery.; Brain mapping — Methods.; Brain — Imaging.; Brain Diseases — surgery.; Neurosurgical Procedures — methods.; Brain mapping; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1130750698

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"Despite advances in imaging techniques to identify eloquent cortical brain regions and subcortical white matter, brain mapping is the only method for obtaining real-time information with high sensitivity and specificity. This groundbreaking technology greatly enhances the neurosurgeon's ability to safely resect challenging lesions located in eloquent areas of the brain. The book starts with discussion of preoperative aspects, including the history of brain mapping and anatomy of eloquent cortical and eloquent white matter tracts. Subsequent chapters cover perioperative aspects of brain mapping including indirect and direct functional mapping, the role of neurophysiology, awake craniotomy operating room set-up and surgical instruments, and anesthetic considerations. Diverse awake and asleep brain mapping techniques are described for various intracranial pathologies, as well as advances in postoperative recovery of neurological function including physical and speech therapy"--.

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  • Brain Mapping: Indications and Techniques
  • MedOne Information
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Video Contents
  • Contributors
  • Section I: Preoperative Brain Mapping Features
    • Part 1: Brain Anatomy and Pathology
      • 1 The Early History of Intraoperative Brain Mapping
      • 2 Anatomy of Eloquent Cortical Brain Regions
      • 3 Anatomy of Eloquent White Matter Tracts
    • Part 2: Preoperative Mapping Adjuncts
      • 4 Direct Functional Mapping Using Radiographic Methods (fMRI and DTI)
      • 5 Indirect Functional Mapping Using Radiographic Methods
      • 6 Neurophysiology of Identifying Eloquent Regions
      • 7 Extraoperative Mapping for Epilepsy Surgery: Epilepsy Monitoring, Wada, and Electrocorticography
      • 8 Neuropsychologist’s Role in the Management of Brain Tumor Patients
  • Section II: Intraoperative Brain Mapping
    • Part 1: Awake
      • 9 Awake Craniotomy Operating Room Setup and Surgical Instruments
      • 10 Anesthetic Considerations for Intraoperative Cerebral Brain Mapping
      • 11 Speech Mapping
      • 12 Motor Mapping (Rolandic, Pre-Rolandic, and Insular Cortex)
      • 13 Awake Subcortical Mapping of the Ventral and Dorsal Streams for Language
      • 14 Surgery Around the Command and Control Axis: The Default Mode, Control, and Frontal Aslant Systems
      • 15 Mapping and Surgery of Insular Tumors
      • 16 Mapping of the Visual Pathway
      • 17 Seizure Mapping Surgery
    • Part 2: Asleep
      • 18 Asleep Motor Mapping
      • 19 Brainstem and Spinal Cord Mapping
  • Section III: Postoperative Brain Mapping for Recovery of Function
    • 20 Importance of Rehabilitation after Eloquent Brain Surgery
    • 21 Emergence of Deep Learning Methods for Deep Brain Stimulation–Evoked Functional Connectomics
    • 22 Neuroplasticity and Rewiring of the Brain
    • 23 Radiating in Eloquent Regions
  • Index
  • Additional MedOne Information

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