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Название: Hands-on reinforcement learning for games: implementing self-learning agents in games using artificial intelligence techniques
Авторы: Lanham Micheal
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Machine learning.; Artificial intelligence.; Reinforcement learning.; Computer games — Programming.; Application software — Development.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
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The AI revolution is here and it is embracing games. Game developers are being challenged to enlist cutting edge AI as part of their games. In this book, you will look at the journey of building capable AI using reinforcement learning algorithms and techniques. You will learn to solve complex tasks and build next-generation games using a ...

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Exploring the Environment
  • Chapter 1: Understanding Rewards-Based Learning
    • Technical requirements
    • Understanding rewards-based learning
      • The elements of RL
      • The history of RL
      • Why RL in games?
    • Introducing the Markov decision process
      • The Markov property and MDP
      • Building an MDP
    • Using value learning with multi-armed bandits
      • Coding a value learner
      • Implementing a greedy policy
      • Exploration versus exploitation
    • Exploring Q-learning with contextual bandits
      • Implementing a Q-learning agent
      • Removing discounted rewards
    • Summary
    • Questions
  • Chapter 2: Dynamic Programming and the Bellman Equation
    • Introducing DP
      • Regular programming versus DP
      • Enter DP and memoization
    • Understanding the Bellman equation
      • Unraveling the finite MDP
      • The Bellman optimality equation
    • Building policy iteration 
      • Installing OpenAI Gym
      • Testing Gym
      • Policy evaluation
      • Policy improvement
    • Building value iteration
    • Playing with policy versus value iteration
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Monte Carlo Methods
    • Understanding model-based and model-free learning
    • Introducing the Monte Carlo method
      • Solving for 
      • Implementing Monte Carlo
      • Plotting the guesses
    • Adding RL
      • Monte Carlo control
    • Playing the FrozenLake game
    • Using prediction and control
      • Incremental means
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Temporal Difference Learning
    • Understanding the TCA problem
    • Introducing TDL
      • Bootstrapping and backup diagrams
      • Applying TD prediction
      • TD(0) or one-step TD
      • Tuning hyperparameters
    • Applying TDL to Q-learning
    • Exploring TD(0) in Q-learning
      • Exploration versus exploitation revisited
      • Teaching an agent to drive a taxi
    • Running off- versus on-policy
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Exploring SARSA
    • Exploring SARSA on-policy learning
    • Using continuous spaces with SARSA
      • Discretizing continuous state spaces
      • Expected SARSA
    • Extending continuous spaces 
    • Working with TD (λ) and eligibility traces
      • Backward views and eligibility traces
    • Understanding SARSA (λ)
      • SARSA lambda and the Lunar Lander
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Section 2: Exploiting the Knowledge
  • Chapter 6: Going Deep with DQN
    • DL for RL
      • DL frameworks for DRL
    • Using PyTorch for DL
      • Computational graphs with tensors
      • Training a neural network – computational graph
    • Building neural networks with Torch
    • Understanding DQN in PyTorch
      • Refreshing the environment
      • Partially observable Markov decision process
      • Constructing DQN
      • The replay buffer
      • The DQN class
      • Calculating loss and training
    • Exercising DQN
      • Revisiting the LunarLander and beyond
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Going Deeper with DDQN
    • Understanding visual state
      • Encoding visual state
    • Introducing CNNs
    • Working with a DQN on Atari
      • Adding CNN layers
    • Introducing DDQN
      • Double DQN or the fixed Q targets
      • Dueling DQN or the real DDQN
    • Extending replay with prioritized experience replay
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Policy Gradient Methods
    • Understanding policy gradient methods
      • Policy gradient ascent
    • Introducing REINFORCE
    • Using advantage actor-critic
      • Actor-critic
      • Training advantage AC
    • Building a deep deterministic policy gradient
      • Training DDPG
    • Exploring trust region policy optimization
      • Conjugate gradients
      • Trust region methods
      • The TRPO step
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Optimizing for Continuous Control
    • Understanding continuous control with Mujoco
    • Introducing proximal policy optimization
      • The hows of policy optimization
      • PPO and clipped objectives
    • Using PPO with recurrent networks
    • Deciding on synchronous and asynchronous actors
      • Using A2C
      • Using A3C
    • Building actor-critic with experience replay
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: All about Rainbow DQN
    • Rainbow – combining improvements in deep reinforcement learning
    • Using TensorBoard
    • Introducing distributional RL
      • Back to TensorBoard
    • Understanding noisy networks
      • Noisy networks for exploration and importance sampling
    • Unveiling Rainbow DQN
      • When does training fail?
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Exploiting ML-Agents
    • Installing ML-Agents
    • Building a Unity environment
      • Building for Gym wrappers
    • Training a Unity environment with Rainbow
    • Creating a new environment
      • Coding an agent/environment
    • Advancing RL with ML-Agents
      • Curriculum learning
      • Behavioral cloning
      • Curiosity learning
      • Training generalized reinforcement learning agents
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: DRL Frameworks
    • Choosing a framework
    • Introducing Google Dopamine
    • Playing with Keras-RL
    • Exploring RL Lib
    • Using TF-Agents
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Section 3: Reward Yourself
  • Chapter 13: 3D Worlds
    • Reasoning on 3D worlds
    • Training a visual agent
    • Generalizing 3D vision
      • ResNet for visual observation encoding
    • Challenging the Unity Obstacle Tower Challenge
      • Pre-training the agent
      • Prierarchy – implicit hierarchies
    • Exploring Habitat – embodied agents by FAIR
      • Installing Habitat
      • Training in Habitat
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14: From DRL to AGI
    • Learning meta learning
      • Learning 2 learn
      • Model-agnostic meta learning
      • Training a meta learner
    • Introducing meta reinforcement learning
      • MAML-RL
    • Using hindsight experience replay
    • Imagination and reasoning in RL
      • Generating imagination
    • Understanding imagination-augmented agents
    • Exercises
    • Summary
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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