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Выходные сведения: LANHAM: LEXINGTON Books, 2019
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Authority — Religious aspects — Christianity.; Desire for God.; Desire — Religious aspects — Christianity.; Faith and reason — Christianity.; Theology.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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In Reason, Authority, and the Healing of Desire in the Writings of Augustine, Mark Boone explains Augustine's theology of desire in a cross-section of his writings. He shows that Augustine's writings consistently teach a Platonically informed, yet distinctively Christian, theology of desire.

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  • Cover
  • Reason, Authority, and the Healing of Desire in the Writings of Augustine
  • Reason, Authority, and the Healing of Desire in the Writings of Augustine
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
    • Desire
      • The Twin Methods of Reason and Authority
      • Augustine and His Modern Readers
      • Reason, Authority, and Desire
      • Notes
  • Part one: Reason
    • Chapter 1
    • Defense of the Faith according to Reason
      • Manicheanism
      • The Prologue: True Religion, the Happy Life, and the Pursuit of Wisdom
      • The Problem of Evil: Creation, Sin, and Redemption
      • When Someone Lacking Wisdom Meets an Authority Having It
      • The Ascent
      • Notes
    • Chapter 2
    • Ethics according to Reason
      • The Testimony of Reason
      • The Testimony of Authority: Paragraphs 24–40
      • Dialogue with the Manicheans: Paragraphs 41–48
      • Notes
    • Chapter 3
    • Metaphysics and the Problem of Evil according to Reason
      • BOOK I: Free Will Is the Cause of Evil
      • BOOK II: Free Will Is a Good
      • Book III: Whence the Free Will’s Turning Away from God?
      • Notes
    • Chapter 4
    • God and the Soul according to Reason
      • Soliloquia and De Magistro
      • De Magistro’s Epistemology
      • De Magistro’s Theology of Desire
      • Notes
  • Part Two: Authority
    • Chapter 5
    • Defense of the Faith according to Authority
      • Defense of the Old Testament
      • Why Belief Makes Sense
      • Notes
    • Chapter 6
    • Ethics according to Authority
      • Marriage and Friendship: 1.1
      • What Is Marriage?
      • The Goods of Marriage
      • Marriage and Augustine’s Theology of Desire
      • Notes
    • Chapter 7
    • Metaphysics and the Problem of Evil according to Authority
      • Faith: Reality and Evil
      • Faith: Redemption
      • Hope and Love
      • Notes
    • Chapter 8
    • God and the Soul according to Authority
      • Apologetics, Ethics, Metaphysics, and Desire
      • God and the Soul in Confessions
      • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Author

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