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This book proposes a theory of reference--answering the question of whether Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures refer to the same God--within a semantic framework acceptable to atheists and fideists.

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  • Cover
  • Reference and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Scriptures
  • Series page
  • Reference and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Scriptures: The Same God?
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1
  • Reference Statements
    • The Standard Theory of Reference
    • Problems with the Standard Theory
    • The Intralinguistic Thesis
    • Organization of the Book
    • Notes
  • Chapter 2
  • Rules for Reference
    • Rules for Reference
    • Author and Reader Reference
    • The Properness of Proper Names
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 3
  • Story-Relative Reference
    • Introduction
    • Story-Relative Reference
    • Transportability
    • Reference Statements
    • “Indefinite Reference”
    • Dependency
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 4
  • Mentioning
    • Contradiction
    • Citation
    • Successful Reference
    • The Problem of the Quran
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 5
  • Identification within History
    • Reference in History
    • Implied Co-reference
    • Redaction
    • The Documentary Hypothesis
    • Biography
    • History
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 6
  • Reference and Identity
    • What Is Identity?
    • Information Value
    • Identity Not Necessary
    • Objections
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 7
  • Existence
    • Aristotle versus Frege
    • The “Something” Problem
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 8
  • The God of the Philosophers
    • Corporealism
    • Incorporealism
    • Classical Theism
    • Semantic Dependence
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 9
  • Identification in the Present
    • The Paderewski Problem
    • Reference-Preserving Links
    • The Name “God”
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 10
  • Revelation
    • Demonstrative Identification
    • Sameness of Character
    • Sameness of Object
    • Demonstrative Reference
    • Sensus Divinitatis
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Chapter 11
  • Intentionality
    • Intentionality
    • Thought
    • Mental States
    • Intentional Identity
    • Summary
    • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Author

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