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Название: Advances in logistics, operations, and management science (ALOMS) book series. Cases on optimizing the asset management process
Другие авторы: Gonzalez-Prida Vicente; Parra Carlos; Crespo Márquez Adolfo
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Capital — Management.; Maintenance — Decision making.; Organizational effectiveness.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1251741245

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"This book explains and summarizes the processes (course of actions and the number of stages or steps to follow) and the reference frame (the essential support structure and the basic system) necessary for the implementation of the introduced maintenance management model (MMM) and will help managers, technology developers, scientists and engineers to adopt and implement optimum decision making based on techniques of maintenance and reliability in organizations"--.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • Table of Contents
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgment
  • Section 1: Introduction
    • Chapter 1: Integration of a Maintenance Management Model (MMM) Into an Asset Management Process
    • Chapter 2: An Overview of the IT Risk Management Methodologies for Securing Information Assets
    • Chapter 3: An Improvement Framework for Maintenance Management
    • Chapter 4: Support Process Aligned With a Maintenance Management Model
  • Section 2: Techniques and Technologies for the Improvement of Reliability and Maintenance
    • Chapter 5: Digital Twin-Driven Condition-Based Maintenance
    • Chapter 6: Optimising the Preventive Maintenance Interval Using a Semi-Markov Process, Z-Transform, and Finite Planning Horizon
    • Chapter 7: Reliability Engineering Techniques Applied to the Human Failure Analysis Process
    • Chapter 8: Criticality Analysis Techniques Applied to Optimize Maintenance Management Processes
  • Section 3: Case Studies Applied to Different Scenarios
    • Chapter 9: Railway Infrastructure Asset Management Modelling
    • Chapter 10: The Role of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) in Power Distribution Network Interruption Reduction
    • Chapter 11: MRO Spare Parts Management and Inventory Optimization
    • Chapter 12: Optimization of Maintenance Management Indicators in a Chilled Water Plant
  • Section 4: Case Studies Applied to Different Countries
    • Chapter 13: Effects of Recession on Asset Management Performance in Small Businesses in Spain
    • Chapter 14: The Changing Role of Maintenance in Physical Asset Management
    • Chapter 15: Development and Implementation of an IoT Platform to Enable Smart Maintenance
    • Chapter 16: Experiences of Implementing the “MMM” Model and Its Developed Framework “iREAM3” in Developing Countries
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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