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Название: CUSTOMIZING ASP.NET CORE 6.0: learn to turn the right screws to optimize your asp.net core... applications with the latest features.
Выходные сведения: [S.l.]: PACKT PUBLISHING LIMITED, 2022
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Web applications — Development.; Web sites — Authoring programs.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1291368574

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Группа: Анонимные пользователи

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • Foreword
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Customizing Logging
    • Technical requirements
    • Configuring logging
    • Creating a custom logger
    • Plugging in an existing third-party logger provider
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Customizing App Configuration
    • Technical requirements
    • Configuring the configuration
    • Using typed configurations
    • Configuration using INI files
    • Configuration providers
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 3: Customizing Dependency Injection
    • Technical requirements
    • Using a different DI container
    • Exploring the ConfigureServices method
    • Using a different ServiceProvider
    • Introducing Scrutor
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Configuring and Customizing HTTPS with Kestrel
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing Kestrel
    • Setting up Kestrel
      • For your safety
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Configuring WebHostBuilder
    • Technical requirements
    • Re-examining WebHostBuilderContext
      • How does it work?
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 6: Using Different Hosting Models
    • Technical requirements
    • Setting up WebHostBuilder
    • Setting up Kestrel
    • Setting up HTTP.sys
    • Hosting on IIS
    • Using Nginx or Apache on Linux
      • Configuring Nginx
      • Configuring Apache
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 7: Using IHostedService and BackgroundService
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing IHostedService
    • Introducing BackgroundService
    • Implementing the new Worker Service projects
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Writing Custom Middleware
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing middleware
    • Writing custom middleware
    • Exploring the potential of middleware
      • Branching the pipeline with /map
      • Branching the pipeline with MapWhen()
      • Creating conditions with middleware
    • Using middleware in ASP.NET Core 3.0 and later
      • Rewriting terminating middleware to meet the current standards
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Working with Endpoint Routing
    • Technical requirements
    • Exploring endpoint routing
    • Creating custom endpoints
    • Creating a more complex endpoint
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Customizing ASP.NET Core Identity
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing ASP.NET Core Identity
    • Customizing IdentityUser
    • Customizing the Identity views
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Configuring Identity Management
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing IdentityManager2
    • Setting up IdentityManager2
    • Securing IdentityManager2
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Content Negotiation Using a Custom OutputFormatter
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing OutputFormatter objects
      • Preparing a test project
    • Testing the web API
    • Creating custom OutputFormatter objects
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Managing Inputs with Custom ModelBinder
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing ModelBinder
    • Preparing the test data
    • Preparing the test project
    • Creating PersonsCsvBinder
    • Using ModelBinder
    • Testing ModelBinder
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 14: Creating a Custom ActionFilter
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing ActionFilter
    • Using ActionFilter
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 15: Working with Caches
    • Technical requirements
    • Why do we need caching?
    • HTTP-based caching
    • Caching using ResponseCachingMiddleware
      • Predefining caching strategies using cache profiles
    • Caching specific areas using CacheTagHelper
    • Caching Manually
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 16: Creating Custom TagHelper
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing TagHelper
    • Creating custom Tag Helpers
      • Examining a more complex scenario
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Index
  • About Packt
  • Other Books You May Enjoy

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