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Название: International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Department (Series) ;. Promoting Inclusive Growth in the Caucasus and Central Asia. — no. 19/09.
Авторы: Vera-Martín Mercedes
Другие авторы: Fayad Dominique; Al Farah Rayah; Saksonovs Sergejs
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Economic development; Consumption, Saving, Production, Investment, Labor Markets, and Informal Economy.; Environmental Accounts.; Measurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and Wealth.; State and Local Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue.; Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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CCA countries achieved gains in inclusiveness over the past 20 years as incomes increased and poverty, inequality, and unemployment declined. Most of the progress occurred before the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Since then, poverty rates have barely moved and, for oil importers, remain elevated.

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  • Cover
  • Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Progress in Promoting Inclusive Growth in the CCA Region
  • 3. Reorienting Fiscal Policy to Support Inclusive Growth
  • 4. Supporting Financial Inclusion
  • 5. Strengthening Governance and the Business Environment
  • 6. Concluding Remarks
  • Annex 1. The CCA Region and Peer Comparisions
  • Annex 2. Inclusive Growth Strategies in CCA Countries
  • References
  • Boxes
    • Box 1. Policy Actions to Raise Revenues
  • Figures
    • Figure 1. Growth, Inflation, and Dependency Ratios
    • Figure 2. Poverty, Inequality, and Unemployment
    • Figure 3. Female Labor Force Participation
    • Figure 4. Gender Equality
    • Figure 5. Per Capita Growth, Productivity, and Labor Force Participation
    • Figure 6. Investment and Industry Value Added
    • Figure 7. Social Protection Spending, Bottom 40 Percent
    • Figure 8. Government Expenditure
    • Figure 9. Health and Education Expenditure and Outcomes
    • Figure 10. Expected and Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling, 2018
    • Figure 11. Infrastructure Investment Needs
    • Figure 12. Size of the Shadow Economy, 2015
    • Figure 13. Subsidies, Wage Bill, Taxes, and Revenues
    • Figure 14. Open Budget Index, 2017
    • Figure 15. Budget Oversight by Legislature and Audit
    • Figure 16. Household and Small and Medium Enterprise Financial Inclusion Indicators
    • Figure 17. Impact of Small and Medium Enterprise Financial Inclusion on GDP, Employment, and Inequality
    • Figure 18. SME Financial Inclusion and Macroeconomic Policy Effectiveness
    • Figure 19. Adults Saving by Method Used, 2017
    • Figure 20. Capital Markets in the CCA Region
    • Figure 21. Product Market
    • Figure 22. Ease of Doing Business, Competitiveness, and Governance
    • Figure 23. Institutions, Competition, and Innovation
    • Annex Figure 1.1. Composition of CCA Region by PPP GDP
    • Annex Figure 1.2. CCA and Choice of Peers: Growth and GDP per Capita
  • Tables
    • Table 1. World Bank Doing Business Indicators 2018: Paying Taxes
    • Table 2. Corporate Income Tax and Value-Added Tax Rates, Productivity, Efficiency, and Thresholds
    • Table 3. Development and Inclusion Gaps
    • Annex Table 2.1. The Bank of Jamaica Explains Inflation Targeting

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