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Название: IVITRA research in linguistics and literature ;. Current perspectives on literary reading. — 22.
Другие авторы: Escandell Dari; Rovira-Collado José
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Literature — Research — Methodology.; Books and reading — Research.; Teenagers and adults — Books and reading — Research.; Reading — Research.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1126215130

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"This collection aims to provide answers regarding what the most recent trends are in research in literary reading. Based on that premise, it contains a rigorously selected and varied roster of investigations that focus on presenting and attempting to interpret and understand the most recent literary trends or tendencies, as well as the reasons for the propensities they create among the masses of young and adult readers. This selection of texts in English, Catalan and Spanish will give the reading specialist an idea of where today's trends are headed, and how they point towards the formation of a new paradigm in matters of literature"--.

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  • Current Perspectives on Literary Reading
  • Editorial page
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Table of contents
  • Current perspectives on literary reading: An essential investigation
  • La recepción de la Narrativa Transmedia: Análisis del lector modelo
    • 1. La era digital y la lectura hipertextual
    • 2. El acto de leer
    • 3. La recepción de la Narrativa Transmedia
    • 4. Lectura social y espacios de afinidad
    • 5. Tipología de lectores
    • 6. El translector de Harry Potter
    • 7. Conclusiones
    • Referencias bibliográficas
  • Social networks for reading as a new Literary Training Space
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. LIJ 2.0 Theoretical Framework
      • 2.1 Social Reading and the Internet
      • 2.2 Social Networks for Reading
    • 3. Six uses of Social Networks for Reading
      • 3.1 The book of faces: Facebook as a Reading and research space
      • 3.2 Reading Dinamics on Twitter and Intragram
      • 3.3 Goodreads as an outstanding space for research and development
      • 3.4 Entrelectores and Leoteca. Two proposals in Spanish for LIJ 2.0
    • 4. Conclusions
    • Acknowledgments
    • References
  • Is the facilitator dead?: Young adults’ access to literature in the digital age
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. The increase in reading platforms and formats
    • 3. The transformation of the facilitator’s role, or the emergence of new forms of mediation
    • 4. Conclusions
    • Acknowledgments
    • References
  • Prescriptive reading: Mediation and factors that condition the reading habit
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Methodology
      • Survey
    • 3. Results
      • 3.1 School
      • 3.2 Reader’s environment
    • 4. Conclusions
    • Acknowledgments
    • References
  • ‘Auto-biobibliography’ for teaching reading
    • Introduction
    • 1. The purpose of relating reading and life
    • 2. Starting ideas
      • 2.1 Approach
    • 3. Proposal for the ‘auto-biobibliography of readings’
    • References
  • Literatura popular i formació lingüística en el sistema educatiu valencià
    • Conclusions
    • Bibliografia
  • De velles arrugades, dits blancs, desitjos i enveges
    • Introducció
    • La classificació ATU i el RondCat
    • Una troballa de l’estiu de 2016: Tale of Tales (2015), un film de Matteo Garrone
    • Sis rondalles catalanes, un conte napolità i un film contístic: Comparació dels motius argumentals a partir del tipus ATU 877
    • Assaig de proposta didàctica
      • 1r. Narració oral
      • 2n. Lectura
      • 3r. Visualització del film Tale of Tales, de Mateo Garrone
      • 4t. Comparativa entre versions
      • 5é. Debatre-hi
      • 6é. Creació i recreació literària
    • Conclusions
    • Bibliografia
  • Presencias y referencias del Cancionero Popular Infantil en la poesía y el teatro de García Lorca
    • 1. Infancia y canciones en la vida del poeta: Interés por la poesía popular
    • 2. Canciones y retahílas infantiles en la poesía y el teatro lorquianos
      • 2.1 En la poesía
      • 2.2 En el teatro
    • 3. Estructuras y procedimientos del Cancionero Infantil en la obra de Lorca
      • 3.1 Estribillos
      • 3.2 Paralelismos
      • 3.3 Estructuras enumerativas
    • 4. Conclusiones
    • Bibliografía
  • The formation of literary reader and ethical reader
    • Brami, Élisabeth and Jeunet, Bernard: ¡Sálvate, Elías!
    • Skármeta, Antonio and Ruano, Alfonso: The composition
    • References
  • Lectura literaria y multimodal del álbum ilustrado
    • 1. Introducción: Objetivos y estructura del artículo
    • 2. Libros álbum y multimodalidad
      • 2.1 Hacia un análisis semiótico visual
      • 2.2 La relación texto e ilustración
    • 3. Análisis semiótico de El pueblo durmiente
      • 3.1 Las metafunciones. El significado representacional
      • 3.2 Las metafunciones. El significado interactivo
      • 3.4 Las metafunciones. El significado composicional
      • 3.5 Interacción texto-imagen en el cuento
    • 4. Conclusiones
    • Referencias bibliográficas
  • From literature to panels: A list of adaptations of Tirant lo Blanc into comic medium
    • 1. The ways of the classics are inscrutable
    • 2. Relations between literature and comic: Adaptations
    • 3. A glance over adaptations of tirant lo blanc into comic medium
    • 4. Some temporary considerations
    • Acknowledgments
    • Works cited
  • Learning English as a foreign language: Through English authetic children’s books
    • Bibliography
  • Index

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