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Название: Start-ups and SMEs: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications
Организация: Information Resources Management Association,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: New business enterprises — Management.; Small business — Management.; Business enterprises — Finance.; Knowledge management.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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"This book examines the strategies and concepts that will assist small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve competitiveness. It also explores the latest advances and developments for creating a system of shared values and beliefs in small business environments"--.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Fundamental Concepts and Theories
    • Chapter 1: To Lend or Not to Lend
    • Chapter 2: Basic Types of Project Initiators
    • Chapter 3: Crowdfunding and Slow Money
    • Chapter 4: High-Growth SMEs
    • Chapter 5: Business Incubation in Malaysia
  • Section 2: Development and Design Methodologies
    • Chapter 6: A Model to Reduce the Risk of Projects Guided by the Knowledge Management Process
    • Chapter 7: Design Methods for Decision Support Systems
    • Chapter 8: How to Launch a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
    • Chapter 9: A Risk Integration Framework for the Service-Oriented Enterprise
    • Chapter 10: Social Media Strategies for Small and Medium Scale Enterprise in the Klang Valley Region of Malaysia
    • Chapter 11: Metacognition of Organization Members as the Basis of Learning Strategy in Higher School
    • Chapter 12: Exploring the Determinants of Organizational Resilience in Islamic Banks
    • Chapter 13: AHP-Driven Knowledge Leakage Risk Assessment Model
    • Chapter 14: Towards a Hybrid MAS Organizational Model
    • Chapter 15: Can Social Dynamics Be Channeled from Offline to Online Communities?
    • Chapter 16: Plan for Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Infractions
    • Chapter 17: Application of FMEA to Study the Risk Perception of SMEs Throughout the ERP Adoption Life Cycle
    • Chapter 18: Towards a Framework to Improve IT Security and IT Risk Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
    • Chapter 19: Adoption of Online Marketing for Service SMEs with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach
  • Section 3: Tools and Technologies
    • Chapter 20: Crowdfunding for Non-Profits
    • Chapter 21: Horizontal Crowdfunding Platforms
    • Chapter 22: Vertical and Community-Based Crowdfunding Platforms
    • Chapter 23: Crowdfunding as a Marketing Tool
    • Chapter 24: The Diffusion of Voluntary ISO 26000 among SMEs
    • Chapter 25: Human-Factor-Based Risk Management in the Healthcare to Improve Patient Safety
    • Chapter 26: Insurance as an Optimization Tool for Risk Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
    • Chapter 27: Regression Analysis for Environmental Practices
    • Chapter 28: Student Projects and Virtual Collaboration in IT Degrees
    • Chapter 29: Cloud Service Footprint (CSF)
    • Chapter 30: Project Portfolio Management
    • Chapter 31: Risks Assessment using Fuzzy Petri Nets for ERP Extension in Small and Medium Enterprises
    • Chapter 32: Information Management for Network Transformation in Industrial Enterprises Associations
    • Chapter 33: A New Maturity Model for Project Risk Management in the Automotive Industry
    • Chapter 34: E-Commerce in Small and Medium Enterprises in Sri Lanka
  • Section 4: Utilization and Applications
    • Chapter 35: Addressing Risks in Global Software Development and Outsourcing
    • Chapter 36: Continuous Improvement Relationship to Risk Management
    • Chapter 37: Internet Finance
    • Chapter 38: Running Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns for Non-Profits
    • Chapter 39: SMEs in Nigeria
    • Chapter 40: Effective Approaches in Higher Education Development
    • Chapter 41: Relevance of Entrepreneurship in TVET
    • Chapter 42: Crowdfunding, Entrepreneurship, and Design Education
    • Chapter 43: Factors Comprising Effective Risk Communication, Decision-Making, and Measurement of IT and IA Risk
    • Chapter 44: Determinants of Self-Employment Entry
    • Chapter 45: Building Entrepreneurial Networking Quality to Improve the Success of Innovation and Batik SMEs Performance
    • Chapter 46: The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Competencies, Competitive Intelligence, and Innovative Performance among SMEs from an Emerging Country
    • Chapter 47: Exploring the Factors to Green IT Adoption of SMEs in the Philippines
    • Chapter 48: Real Estate Crowdfunding
    • Chapter 49: The Impacts of Trait Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy on Perceived Behavioral Control Among Undergraduate Students
    • Chapter 50: Entrepreneurship Development in Northeast Region of Romania
    • Chapter 51: Maximising Value Through IT and Business Alignment
    • Chapter 52: Information and Communication Technology for SMEs' Competitiveness
    • Chapter 53: Optimizing Virtual Communities in Tourism to Facilitate Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
    • Chapter 54: Working Capital Financing by Banks in Small Enterprises
  • Section 5: Organizational and Social Implications
    • Chapter 55: Risk Management Usage and Impact on Information Systems Project Success
    • Chapter 56: Intermediating Crowdfunding
    • Chapter 57: Proactive Law as Competitive Advantage in Crowdfunding
    • Chapter 58: Does Crowdfunding (Creatively) Disturb the Conventional (Banking) Alliances with Support Networks for Financing (Micro-)Entrepreneurs?
    • Chapter 59: Understanding and Adoption of E-Finance in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Developing Countries
    • Chapter 60: Factors Driving Firms from Emerging Countries into the Global Market
    • Chapter 61: Information and Communication Technology Adoption in SMEs in Sri Lanka
    • Chapter 62: An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Government Policies on the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries
    • Chapter 63: Handling Uncertainty in Project Management and Business Development
    • Chapter 64: Building Sustainable Enterprises through Innovations in Bulgaria
    • Chapter 65: Increasing Project Success in China from the Perspectives of Project Risk, Methodology, Tool Use, and Organizational Support
    • Chapter 66: Challenges for Innovation Due to Firm Size
    • Chapter 67: The Importance Role E-Collaboration Capability and Information System Maturity on Knowledge Sharing and SMEs Marketing Performance
  • Section 6: Managerial Impact
    • Chapter 68: IT Strategic Planning through CSF Approach in Modern Organizations
    • Chapter 69: Alternative Research Funding Mechanisms
    • Chapter 70: The Role of Philanthropy on the Strategic Planning Process of a Selective Liberal Arts and Science College
    • Chapter 71: E-Marketing for SMEs
    • Chapter 72: Fostering Environmental Performance Management within Indian SMEs
    • Chapter 73: Coping Better with the Project´s Unknown Unknowns
    • Chapter 74: Entrepreneurial Action as Metaphorical Process and its Metaphorics
    • Chapter 75: Knowledge Leakage when SMEs Participate in Supply Chains
    • Chapter 76: Strategic IT Alignment in Service Sector
    • Chapter 77: Technological Change Perspective for ERP Implementation in Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Section 7: Critical Issues and Challenges
    • Chapter 78: Using Marketing to Implement a Strategic Plan
    • Chapter 79: Startup Success Trends in Small Business Beyond Five-Years
    • Chapter 80: Exploring the Spheres of Crowdfunding
    • Chapter 81: A Framework for Research on Information Technology Governance in SMEs
    • Chapter 82: Understanding Knowledge Management Spectrum for SMEs in Global Scenario
    • Chapter 83: Exploring the Research Domain of IT Governance in the SME Context
    • Chapter 84: Critical Review of SME Regulation Optimization in Serbia
    • Chapter 85: Are the Payments System and e-Banking in India Safer than in other SAARC Members?
    • Chapter 86: The Role of Culture in IT Governance Five Focus Areas
  • Index

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