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Название: The Roots and Uses of Marketing Knowledge: a Critical Inquiry into the Theory and Practice of Marketing
Авторы: Smith Terry
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Marketing.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS — Marketing — Research.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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Marketing theory is often developed in isolation not collaboration; theoretical perspectives sometimes are ignorant of the diversity of marketing practice. In "The roots and uses of marketing knowledge: a critical inquiry into the theory and practice of marketing", the author engages with the vital conversation about how marketing knowledge is created, disseminated and consumed, looking beyond the traditional reification of practice in theory and verification of theory in practice. The ontology of this work is anchored in subjective individual meaning; the epistemological stance assumes that this meaning is socially constructed. Consequently, rich empirical data, grounded in the context of experiential evidence, is extracted from a comprehensive range of marketing constituencies: academics, practitioners, managers, consultants, authors, lecturers and students. In its examination of the polarities, hybridity and iterative flow of marketing knowledge creation and consumption, this text posits a cohesive argument for a theory/practice bipartite fusion not dichotomy, adding valuable insights into the textual, contextual and pedagogical representations of marketing knowledge. The history and future of marketing knowledge is examined with the aid of instructive illustrations and insightful first-hand experience. Drawing on extensive qualitative research from a broad range of influential producers and vital consumers, Dr. Smith presents a relevant, exciting marketing knowledge framework which will be a vital resource for academics, students and practitioners.

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  • Acknowledgements
  • Contents
  • Macrostructure of this book
  • Part 1: Foundations of Knowledge
  • Introduction to Part 1: Foundations of Knowledge
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Philosophical underpinnings of inquiry into marketing knowledge
  • 3. Knowledge relationships in marketing
  • 4. Methodological approaches to inquiry into marketing knowledge
  • Part 2: Findings of Inquiry
  • Introduction to Part 2: Findings of Inquiry
  • 5. Synopsis of findings
  • 6. Contextual perspectives: Marketing as it is practised
  • 7. Conceptual perspectives: Marketing as it is theorised
  • 8. Pedagogical perspectives: Marketing as it is taught
  • 9. A new Marketing Knowledge Process Model
  • References
  • Abbreviations
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Index

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