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Название: Kant and Theodicy: a Search for an Answer to the Problem of Evil
Авторы: Huxford George
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Theodicy.; Philosophy, German; Philosophy, German.; Philosophy: History & Surveys / General.; Religion: Theology.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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Kant was engaged with the subject of theodicy throughout his career and not merely in his 1791 treatise explicitly devoted to the subject. George Huxford traces Kant's thought on theodicy throughout his career to show not only the continuity of Kant's consideration but also his philosophical development on the subject.

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  • Cover
  • Kant and Theodicy
  • Kant and Theodicy: A Search for an Answer to the Problem of Evil
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication Page
  • Contents
  • Introduction
    • Main Theses
    • Subsidiary Theses
    • Notes
  • Part I: The Pre-Critical Period
    • Chapter 1
    • Kant and the Optimism of Leibniz
      • Notes
    • Chapter 2
    • The Origin and Nature of Evil
      • The Laws of Nature and Their Workings
      • Negative Magnitudes and the Nature of Evil
      • Notes
    • Chapter 3
    • Is Philosophical Theodicy Possible for Kant?
      • Does the Pre-Critical Kant Have an Account of Freedom?
      • On What Foundation Does Kant’s Position that There IS a God Rest?
      • Are Philosophical Theodicies Possible?
      • Notes
  • Part II: The Early Critical Period
    • Notes
    • Chapter 4
    • Setting the Scene
      • The First Critique and Theodicy
      • Notes
    • Chapter 5
    • Aspects of Theodicy
      • Early Critical Continuity
      • Early Critical Change
      • Early Critical Innovation
      • Notes
    • Chapter 6
    • Pulling the Strands Together
      • Is Philosophical Theodicy Still Possible for Kant?
      • Unresolved Tensions
      • Notes
  • Part III: The Late-Critical Period
    • Chapter 7
    • The Failure of Philosophical Theodicies
      • The Attempted Theodicies
      • Summary of Theodicy Evaluation
      • Notes
    • Chapter 8
    • The Taxonomy of Evil Revisited
      • Evil: Leibniz and Kant in Failure Compared
      • Metaphysical Evil for Leibniz
      • Kant’s Radical Evil
      • Resolving the Competing Accounts of Evil
      • Notes
    • Chapter 9
    • Kant’s Own Authentic Theodicy
      • Authentic Theodicy
      • Does Authentic Theodicy Succeed?
      • Notes
  • Conclusion
    • Consequences of Failure
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Author

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