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Название: Future law: emerging technology, regulation and ethics
Другие авторы: Edwards Lilian; Schäfer Burkhard ((Law teacher),); Harbinja Edina
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Technological innovations — Law and legislation.; Technological innovations — Forecasting.; LAW / Ethics & Professional Responsibility; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
Права доступа: Доступ по паролю из сети Интернет (чтение, печать, копирование)
Ключ записи: on1147875279

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How will law, regulation and ethics govern a future of fast-changing technologies? Bringing together cutting-edge authors from academia, legal practice and the technology industry, Future Law explores and leverages the power of human imagination in understanding, critiquing and improving the legal responses to technological change.

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  • Future Law
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Contributors
  • Illustrations
  • Table of Cases
  • Table of Legislation
  • 1 The Future’s Already Here: It’s Just Unevenly Edited
  • PART I From Privacy and Princesses, to Security and Star Wars
  • 2 Privacy and Identity through the Eyes of Disney Princesses
  • 3 White Noise from the White Goods? Privacy by Design for Ambient Domestic Computing
  • 4 Citizen-consumers in a Personalised Galaxy: Emotion-influenced Decision Making, a True Path to the
  • 5 Big Data Ethics: Darth Vader and the Green Cross Man
  • 6 Security Vulnerabilities, Backdoors, Exploits and the Marketplace for Each: The Return of Boba Fett – Bug Bounty Hunter in the New Republic
  • PART II A Matter of (Future) Life and Death
  • 7 Will My Genes Really Help Me Fit Into Those Jeans? Personal Genomics and Wrap Contracts
  • 8 On Living and Undead Wills: ZombAIs, Technology and the Future of Inheritance Law
  • 9 ‘Be Right Back’: What Rights Do We Have Over Post-mortem Avatars of Ourselves?
  • PART III Regulating Autonomous Technologies: Software Are Doing it For Themselves
  • 10 Autonomous Intelligent Agents and the Roman Law of Slavery
  • 11 Autonomous Vehicles: An Analysis of the Regulatory and Legal Landscape
  • PART IV Textual Poaching: Copyright in a Remixed World
  • 12 Living in a Remixed World: Comparative Analysis of Transformative Uses in Copyright Law
  • 13 Repost This: Instagram and the Art of Re-photography
  • Index

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