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Название: SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture. The Contemplative Foundations of Classical Daoism
Авторы: Roth Harold David.
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Meditation — Taoism.; Taoism.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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  • Contents
  • List of Tables
  • Acknowledgments
  • Permissions
  • Introduction
    • Part I: Contemplative Foundations and Textual Methods
    • Part II: Contemplative Foundations and Philosophical Contexts
  • Part I: Contemplative Foundations and Textual Methods
    • Chapter 1 Psychology and Self-Cultivation in Early Daoistic Thought
      • The Guanzi Texts
      • “Neiye” (“Inward Training”)
        • “Xinshu shang” (The Techniques of the Mind, Part I)
        • “Xinshu xia” (Techniques of the Mind, Part II)
      • The Huainanzi
        • Human Nature
      • The Physiological Basis of Human Experience
        • The Vital Essence
        • The Numen
        • The Numinous Essence
      • Conclusions
    • Chapter 2 Who Compiled the Zhuangzi 莊子?
      • Introduction
      • The Lineage of the Syncretists
        • Sima Tan’s Essay
        • Three Daoistic Essays in the Guanzi
        • The Huainanzi
        • The Thought of the Syncretists in Context
          • Technical Terminology
          • The Way of Heaven; The Way of Heaven and Earth
          • Nei Sheng Wai Wang 內聖外王: The Harmony of the Psychological and the Political
            • Stillness
            • Stillness and Motion
          • The Political Philosophy of the Syncretists
            • Nourishing the Myriad Things
            • Comprehending the Patterns of Heaven
            • Political Syncretism
        • Concluding Remarks
      • Did a Syncretist Author Compile the Zhuangzi?
        • “Textual Shuffling” in the Syncretist Zhuangzi
        • The Zhuangzi at Huainan
        • The Date of Compilation of the Zhuangzi
      • Final Conclusions
    • Chapter 3 Redaction Criticism and the Early History of Daoism
      • Introduction
      • Some Hypotheses on the Early History of Daoism
      • Four Daoist Essays in the Guanzi
      • Linguistic Data for Comparative Dating
      • The Structure of “Xinshu xia”
      • Redaction Strategies and the Ideology of “Xinshu xia”
        • Redaction Strategies in the Borrowed Material
          • Ideological Emendations
          • Rhetorical Emendation
          • Transposition
          • Semantic Recontextualization
          • Omission
          • Addition
        • Redaction Strategies in the Original Material
          • Linking
          • Expository Commentary
          • Framing
      • Implications
      • Appendix: The Text of “Xinshu xia” with “Neiye” Parallels
    • Chapter 4 Evidence for Stages of Meditation in Early Daoism
      • Introduction
      • A Common Rhetorical Structure in Early Daoist Passages on Meditative Stages
      • Analysis
        • Implications
    • Chapter 5 The Yellow Emperor’s Guru: A Narrative Analysis from Zhuangzi 莊子 11
      • Introduction
      • A Narrative Analysis of Zhuangzi 11/28–44
        • Summary of the Story
      • The Rhetorical Structure of the Story
        • The Plot and Setting
        • The Characters and Their Symbolism
        • The Ideology and Rhetoric of the Narrative
      • The Point of View of the Author
      • The Literary and Philosophical Context of the Narrative
        • The Narrative’s Location in the Zhuangzi
        • The Narrative’s Purpose in the Zhuangzi
      • Conclusions: The Significance of the Narrative for the Early History of Daoism
      • Appendix: Guang Chengzi’s Instructions on Inner Cultivation:
    • Chapter 6 Revisiting Angus C. Graham’s Scholarship on the Zhuangzi 莊子
      • Introduction
      • Rearrangement of the Text
      • Redaction Criticism
      • The Problem of Zhuangzi’s Syncretists
      • The Problem of Zhuangzi’s Primitivist
      • The Problem of Zhuangzi’s Yangists
      • The Problem of Chuang Tzu 16, “Menders of Nature” (Shanxing 繕性)
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 7 Daoist Inner Cultivation Thought and the Textual Structure of the Huainanzi 淮南子
      • Introduction
      • The Inner Cultivation Tradition
      • Inner Cultivation Practices
        • Posture and Breathing: “Sitting and Forgetting”
        • Resultant States: Temporary Experiences of a Transformative Nature
        • Resultant Traits: Ongoing Cognitive Alterations
      • Inner Cultivation in the Huainanzi
      • The Root-Branch Structure of the Text
      • Cosmology and Inner Cultivation in the “Root Chapters” of the Huainanzi
      • Inner Cultivation in the “Root Passages” of Each Chapter
      • Conclusions
  • Part II: Contemplative Foundations and Philosophical Contexts
    • Chapter 8 The Laozi 老子 in the Context of Early Daoist Mystical Praxis
      • Introduction
      • Historical Context
      • Theoretical Context: Mysticism, Meditation, and the Laozi
      • Mystical Praxis in the Laozi
        • Mysticism and Meditation in Early Daoism
        • Mystical Techniques in the Laozi
        • Introvertive Mystical Experience in the Laozi: The Profound Merging
        • Extrovertive Mystical Experience in the Laozi: Holding Fast to the One
        • Laozi 10 as a Summary of Mystical Praxis
      • Conclusion
    • Chapter 9 Bimodal Mystical Experience in the “Qi wu lun” 齊物論 of Zhuangzi 莊子
      • Mystical Praxis in the Inner Chapters of the Zhuangzi
      • Skepticism in the “Qi wu lun”
      • Two Distinctive Modes of Consciousness in the “Qi wu lun”
      • Introvertive Mystical Experience in the “Qi wu lun”
      • Great Knowledge
    • Chapter 10 Nature and Self-Cultivation in Huainanzi’s 淮南子“ Yuan Dao” 原道 (Originating in the Way)
      • Introduction
      • On the Nature of the Way (1/1/3–24)
      • Cosmic Rulership: The Ability of Great Rulers to Merge the Spiritual and Political Orders (1/1/26–2/11)
      • The Inherent Spontaneity of the Natural World (1/2/13–3/13)
      • Contrasting the Heavenly (Natural) and the Human (1/3/15–4/10)
      • Self-Cultivation and Non-Striving (1/4/10–5/8)
      • Self-Cultivation and Timely Action (1/5/8–23)
      • The Normative Metaphor of Water (1/5/25–6/7)
      • Cultivating The One (1/6/11–7/2)
      • Inner Cultivation and its Personal Benefits (1/7/4–8/9)
      • Inner Cultivation and the Benefits it Confers on the Ruler (1/8/10–9/13)
      • Techniques of the Mind: Underlying Principles of Inner Cultivation (1/9/15–10/10)
      • Conclusion
      • Afterward
    • Chapter 11 The Classical Daoist Concept of Li 理 (Pattern) and Early Chinese Cosmology
      • Introduction: Li, Jade, and Cosmology
      • Jade as Symbol and Metaphor
      • Classical Non-Daoist Sources on Li
      • Inner Cultivation and Classical Daoism
      • Li in the Classical Works of Daoism
      • Laozi (ca. 275 B.C.E.)
      • Zhuangzi (ca. 300–140 B.C.E.)
      • Guanzi “Neiye” (ca. 330 B.C.E.)
      • Li in the Huainanzi 淮南子
      • Conclusions
    • Chapter 12 Cognitive Attunement in the Zhuangzi 莊子
      • Contemplative Phenomenology
      • Cognitive Attunement in the Zhuangzi
      • Cognitive Attunement in the “Qi wu lun”
    • Chapter 13 Against Cognitive Imperialism: A Call for a Non-Ethnocentric Approach to Cognitive Science and Religious Studies
      • Unreflective Ethnocentrism and Cognitive Imperialism
      • Historicist Reductionism: The Reigning Paradigm in the Study of Religion
      • The Intersubjective Universe
      • The Vision from Classical China
      • New Developments in Cognitive Science
      • The Field of Contemplative Studies
    • Afterword The “Contemplative Hermeneutic” and the Problem of Zhuangzi’s Inner Chapters
  • Notes
  • Appendix 1: The Chapters of the Zhuangzi
  • Appendix 2: The Chapters of the Huainanzi
  • Index

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