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Название: Chimpanzees in context: a comparative perspective on chimpanzee behavior, cognition, conservation, and welfare
Другие авторы: Hopper Lydia M.,; Ross Stephen R.,; Goodall Jane
Организация: Lester E. Fisher Center for the Study and Conservation of Apes,
Коллекция: Электронные книги зарубежных издательств; Общая коллекция
Тематика: Chimpanzees — Congresses. — Behavior; Chimpanzees — Congresses. — Conservation; Chimpanzees — Congresses. — Ecology; Chimpanzees — Congresses. — Research; Social behavior in animals — Congresses.; Cognition in animals — Congresses.; Animal welfare — Congresses.; Animal welfare.; Chimpanzees — Behavior.; Chimpanzees — Ecology.; Chimpanzees — Research.; Cognition in animals.; Social behavior in animals.; EBSCO eBooks
Тип документа: Другой
Тип файла: PDF
Язык: Английский
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"The study of the chimpanzee, the human's closest relative, has led scientists to exciting discoveries about evolution, behavior, and cognition over the past half century. In this book, both young and veteran scholars take a fascinating comparative approach to the culture, behavior, and cognition of both wild and captive chimpanzees. By seeking new perspectives in how the chimpanzee compares to other species, the scientists featured in this book offer a richer understanding of the ways in which chimpanzees' unique experiences shape their behavior. They also demonstrate how different methodologies provide different insights, how various cultural experiences influence our perspectives of chimpanzees, and how different ecologies in which chimpanzees live affect how they express themselves. After a foreword by Jane Goodall the book follows sections that examine chimp life histories and developmental milestones, behavior, methods of study, animal communication, cooperation and communication, tool use, chimpanzee care, and chimpanzee conservation. Collectively, these chapters remind us of the importance of considering the social, ecological, and cognitive context of chimpanzee behavior, and how these contexts shape our interpretation of our understanding of chimpanzees. Only by leveraging these powerful perspectives do we stand a chance at improving how we understand, care for, and protect this species"--.

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  • Contents
  • Foreword | J. Goodall
  • Preface: Understanding Chimpanzees in Context | L. M. Hopper and S. R. Ross
  • Acknowledgments
  • Part 1: Life Histories and Developmental Milestones
    • 1. Ecological Risk and the Evolution of Great Ape Life Histories | C. D. Knott and F. S. Harwell
    • 2. Growing Up: Comparing Ontogeny of Bonobos and Chimpanzees | V. Behringer, J. M. G. Stevens, T. Deschner, and G. Hohmann
    • 3. Dolphins and Chimpanzees: A Case for Convergence? | J. Mann, M. A. Stanton, and C. M. Murray
  • Part 2: A Social Species
    • 4. Social Behavior and Social Tolerance in Chimpanzees and Bonobos | J. P. Taglialatela, S. A. Skiba, R. E. Evans, S. L. Bogart, and N. G. Schwob
    • 5. Endurance and Flexibility of Close Social Relationships: Comparing Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) and Sooty Mangabeys (Cercocebus atys atys) | R. M. Wittig, A. Mielke, J. Lester, and C. Crockford
    • 6. Urinary Androgens, Dominance Hierarchies, and Social Group Structure among Wild Male Mountain Gorillas | S. Rosenbaum, R. Santymire, and T. S. Stoinski
  • Part 3: Studying Chimpanzees
    • 7. Methods to Study Chimpanzee Social Learning from a Comparative Perspective | L. M. Hopper and A. J. Carter
    • 8. Automated Methods and the Technological Context of Chimpanzee Research | C. F. Martin and I. Adachi
    • 9. The Establishment of Sanctuaries for Former Laboratory Chimpanzees: Challenges, Successes, and Cross-Cultural Context | S. Hirata, N. Morimura, K. Watanuki, and S. R. Ross
  • Part 4: Communication
    • 10. Gestural Communication in the Great Apes: Tracing the Origins of Language | C. Hobaiter
    • 11. Flexibility in Great Ape Vocal Production | S. W. Townsend, S. K. Watson, and K. E. Slocombe
    • 12. Vocal Communication in Chimpanzees and Bonobos: A Window into the Social World | Z. Clay
  • Part 5: Cooperation
    • 13. Cooperation and Communication in Great Apes | S. Duguid, M. Allritz, A. de las Heras, S. Nolte, and J. Call
    • 14. The Evolution of Cooperation in Dyads and in Groups: Comparing Chimpanzees and Bonobos in the Wild and in the Laboratory | S. Yamamoto
    • 15. Putting Chimpanzee Cooperation in Context | G. L. Vale and S. F. Brosnan
    • 16. A Comparison of Cooperative Cognition in Corvids, Chimpanzees, and Other Animals | J. J. M. Massen, W. A. A. Schaake, and T. Bugnyar
  • Part 6: Tool Use, Cognition, and Culture
    • 17. Extractive Foraging in an Extreme Environment: Tool and Proto-tool Use by Chimpanzees at Fongoli, Senegal | J. D. Pruetz, S. L. Bogart, and S. Lindshield
    • 18. Cultural Transmission in Dispersing Primates | L. V. Luncz and E. van de Waal
    • 19. On the Origin of Cumulative Culture: Consideration of the Role of Copying in Culture-Dependent Traits and a Reappraisal of the Zone of Latent Solutions Hypothesis | C. Tennie, L. M. Hopper, and C. P. van Schaik
    • 20. Cognitive Control and Metacognition in Chimpanzees | M. J. Beran, B. M. Perdue, and A. E. Parrish
  • Part 7: Caring for Chimpanzees
    • 21. Chimpanzees in US Zoos, Sanctuaries, and Research Facilities: A Survey-Based Comparison of Atypical Behaviors | M. A. Bloomsmith, A. W. Clay, S. R. Ross, S. P. Lambeth, C. K. Lutz, S. D. Breaux, R. Pietsch, A. Fultz, M. L. Lammey, S. L. Jacobson, and J. E. Perlman
    • 22. When Is “Natural” Better? The Welfare Implications of Limiting Reproduction in Captive Chimpanzees | K. A. Cronin and S. R. Ross
    • 23. How Chimpanzee Personality and Video Studies Can Inform Management and Care of the Species: A Case Study | E. S. Herrelko, S. J. Vick, and H. M. Buchanan-Smith
    • 24. Chimpanzee Welfare in the Context of Science, Policy, and Practice | S. R. Ross
  • Part 8: Conserving Chimpanzees
    • 25. Chimpanzee Conservation: What We Know, What We Do Not Know, and Ways Forward | C. A. Chapman, K. Valenta, S. Bortolamiol, S. K. Mugume, and M. Yao
    • 26. Holistic Approach for Conservation of Chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Uganda | J. A. Hartel, E. Otali, Z. Machanda, R. W. Wrangham, and E. Ross
    • 27. Forest Certification and the High Conservation Value Concept: Protecting Great Apes in the Sangha Trinational Landscape in an Era of Industrial Logging | D. B. Morgan, W. Winston, C. E. Ayina, W. Mayoukou, E. V. Lonsdorf, and C. M. Sanz
  • List of Contributors
  • Index

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